U.S. and Russia To Continue ‘New START’ Talks in Helsinki Oct. 5
Oct. 4, 2020 (EIRNS)— Russia and the United States will continue their New START nuclear arms limitation talks in Helsinki, tomorrow, Oct. 5, TASS reported today, and cited confirmation from Russian Foreign Ministry.
Moreover, the Finnish Presidency issued a press release today stating:
“The latest round of talks on strategic stability and nuclear arms control between the United States and Russia, started in Vienna in the summer, continues on Monday [Oct. 5] in Helsinki. Also in the previous round in 2017 deputy foreign ministers of the United States and Russia met in Helsinki. We welcome the negotiators again, this time Ambassador [Special Presidential Envoy for Arms Control Marshall] Billingslea and Deputy Foreign Minister [Sergei] Ryabkov. Finland is always ready to offer its good offices for promoting peace and security. Securing a confidential environment for dialogue, as desired by the parties involved, is an important part of this work. As the previous time, President [Saul] Niinistö will meet both negotiators after their talks.”