Washington, D.C. Metro Area Previews Post-Nov. 3 Vote-Counting Chaos
Oct. 23, 2020 (EIRNS)—Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C. officials gave an idea of the built-in post-Nov. 3 chaos if Trump does not get big enough victory to squelch it, in an article in the “Metro” section of the Oct. 21 Washington Post. The article quotes a number of election officials from these three areas saying that full vote tallies for this “Metro D.C.” region will not appear for days, and quite possibly weeks after Nov. 3.
For example, Virginia got a court decision allowing it to start processing ballots two full months before Election Day—but the State Election Commission expects final results not to be announced until two weeks after it, Nov. 16. The entire area is largely Democratic-voting, and has been the scene of numerous street demonstrations and confrontations throughout the Trump Presidential term.
This built-in serious delay is announced despite large early-voting turnouts and continuous processing (though not tallying) of the ballots being cast. Those turnouts have everywhere featured voters—including many seniors and elderly people—moving through long lines in very close proximity to one another, sometimes waiting in long lines for voting to start—completely debunking the Democrats’ canard that voters’ fear of COVID meant they had to be able to vote by mail.
The mail-voting pressure campaign by the Democratic Party and media was entirely done to boost turnout for Joe Biden, attack President Donald Trump and build in both the potential for fraud and the certainty of a long period of uncertainty after Election Day, in which street demonstrations and lawyers’ committees’ manipulations can lead to a seizure of power from the President. Only a landslide for him undoes that.
According to one count announced on CNN’s pre-debate war room Thursday night, 40 million votes have already been cast nationally, almost a third of a normal total Presidential vote. If turnout is very high, this figure could represent more like a quarter of the total vote.