The Lancet Joins The Economist in Vile Attack on Trump, Endorsement of Biden
Oct. 30, 2020 (EIRNS)—In keeping with the British instruction to the Biden campaign to focus entirely on the COVID-19 crisis, The Lancet, the British medical journal (which promoted the anti-science, anti-vaccine lunacy several years ago) today joined its political sister The Economist in a lying, disgusting attack on Donald Trump, calling on Americans to throw him out of office. “Under the banner of making America great again,” they write editorially,
“the Trump administration has pursued regressive nationalist policies, rolled back protections for individuals, labor, and the environment, and withdrawn from international agreements and multilateral organizations, such as WHO. Led by a relentless agenda of deregulation and dysregulation, America has retreated from its once prominent position of leadership and abandoned its beneficence. With the election, Americans have the power to address these issues, both at home and around the world, by eschewing the falsehood of nostalgia.”
On COVID-19, they write:
“The U.S.A. leads the world in COVID-19 infections (>9 million) and deaths (225,000). The fraying social safety net, continual erosion of trust in the public sector, the perceived diminished responsibility of the federal government, and political interference with crucial public health apparatus (most markedly the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) have culminated in the disastrous U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic.”
Interestingly, they note the “absence of comprehensive health infrastructure” in the U.S. But what do they mean? Not more facilities, but more insurance, especially Obamacare:
“Despite this fact, conservatives continue to attempt, out of ideology and opposition, to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. Americans need equitable individual access to quality health care that is supported by efficient and autonomous public health governance, both as a matter of health security and as a matter of human rights.”
Without mentioning Biden, they call for dumping Trump. In British imperial jargon, they conclude:
“With so much loss and still more at stake, the 2020 presidential election is the opportune moment for the American electorate to embrace change for the better, to reject the stagnancy of complacency, to exchange a view bereft of intention with a vision of progress, and to rejoin the global community in the pursuit of a more equitable and sustainable future.”
I.e., submit once again to British imperial control.