Reject German Officials’ Irresponsible Calls To Abandon U.S. Constitution and Presidency
Nov. 8, 2020 (EIRNS)—Citizens of the United States will emphatically reject the shockingly ignorant, partisan and inflammatory comments of leading officials of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the American Presidential election. Americans can see at once that the leaders of this, the greenest of sickly green major nations, are eager to pull America back into the economically disastrous Paris Climate Accord—from which President Donald Trump has rescued the United States—by helping the backers of Joe Biden to seize the Presidency from Trump.
And they will not forget that a ruling party parliamentary leader of Germany, whose leaders not long ago waited patiently while Al Gore contested a Presidential election result for 37 days in the courts, accused President Trump of illegally “occupying” the White House just four days after an election filled with irregularities against the President. There are 37 days between now and the scheduled meeting of the Electoral College on Dec. 14. The Associated Press will not be voting there.
On Nov. 6 Chancellor Angela Merkel and her Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, as well as her Defense Minister and the chair of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee, all showed either a complete unfamiliarity with American election law or a desire to have Europeans change it, by demanding that Donald Trump concede immediately and even leave the White House now! They are speaking about, and attacking, the President of the United States, who remains the President. German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer claimed that President Trump’s continuing to carry out the duties of the office he lawfully holds, would “lead to a Constitutional crisis.” And the Bundestag President Norbert Röttgen made this outrageous statement: “This is the start of trying to occupy the public realm and to dominate public opinion and he [President Trump] will then intervene in the process of counting, he will challenge this then by the courts, and we are going to see days and weeks of fighting and non-acceptance.” Again, what did the well-known climate-activist Mr. Röttgen say, as a young CDU Bundestag member in 2000, during the long, long post-election legal contest of his environmentalist co-thinker Al Gore?
The former parliamentary secretary in the German Defense Ministry Willy Wimmer publicly reminded Angela Merkel on Nov. 5 that she had stabbed President Trump in the back in 2017 when he sought European support to re-establish productive relations with Russia. This second stab may be nothing but an unkind cut to herself, as she has to deal with the powerful neo-Nazi forces which Joe Biden helped bring to power in the center of Europe, in Ukraine.