Flynn’s Lawyer Sidney Powell Hammers ‘Hammer’ and ‘Scorecard’ Election Fraud Software
Nov. 9, 2020 (EIRNS)—Sidney Powell, Esq., Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s defense attorney, and Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, appeared on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs on Nov. 6—where Powell revealed a secret computer program, designed in the National Security Agency, which needs there to be no more than 3% discrepancy in votes between the candidates. The Fox program was in turn reported in the New York Post Nov. 9.
Powell said Federal authorities needed to investigate the likelihood that 3% of the election voting ballots that were collected digitally were intercepted and changed, using what National Security Agency whistleblower J. Kirk Wiebe called the “Hammer” information technology capability, and a follow-on software application called “Scorecard.” This use could have resulted, Wiebe said, in a vote shift in votes to Joe Biden anywhere in the country.
Both Hammer and Scorecard had just been described by Wiebe on LaRouchePAC’s “Fireside Chat” on Nov. 5. Hammer collects the total vote for a candidate digitally, and then an application called Scorecard is run when the discrepancy is no more than 3% of the count, which it intercepts in transfer to election boards, “adjusts” that 3% of the votes, and returns it to the transfer medium. In Michigan, for example, a computer “glitch” resulted in a change of votes across a county of about 5,500 for President Trump, discovered thus far in just one of 47 districts. In other states hundreds of thousands of votes mysteriously appear for Biden, which is statistically impossible, Powell stated.
“This has got to be investigated, she said. It has been used against other entities in other countries. ... Somebody has gone into the system. I think [these programs] were very broadly used, not by the vote counters, but by the Democratic operatives that had access to these programs through the government access points they had. It’s got to be investigated by the President’s most trusted military intelligence officials who can get into the system and see what was done. What’s been used in other countries, has now turned against our own system.”
(Wiebe had specified that the NSA programs were designed for other uses, abroad, and now likely applied to elections here.) “There is no reason to think the Democratic operatives who put us through Russiagate, the Steele Dossier, tried an impeachment hoax, a special counsel, would not create every means of voter fraud they could come up with to steal this election”, said Powell. “That is exactly what happened.”