Roger Stone and Sidney Powell Urge Americans, Mobilize To ‘Stop the Steal’
Nov. 14, 2020 (EIRNS)—Roger Stone posted a long feature on Infowars yesterday morning on the “Stop the Steal” campaign to save President Donald Trump’s election victory, headlined, “Roger Stone on President Trump’s Path Forward.” In the kicker he asserts “The only way President Trump won’t have a second term is if he concedes the election. If there is one thing that is an absolute metaphysical certainty, it is that this will NEVER happen.” The feature, which was also published as an op-ed in Published Reporter, begins: “The rush by Joe Biden and his corporate media propagandists to prematurely claim victory in the 2020 presidential election is the finale to an elaborate, long-planned Psychological Operation or ‘PsyOp’ directed at the American People.”
Stone goes through great detail on the operation, much of which he has explained in his appearances with the Schiller Institute and LaRouchePAC. He emphasizes the role of the state legislatures:
“To be clear, neither the state nor federal courts have the final say in this epic saga. Regardless of judicial rulings, Republicans in the state legislatures have an obligation to review the massive evidence of voter fraud and determine whether the election has been legally and honestly conducted, before deciding who should represent the state in the all-important electoral college. This is not some interpretation or opinion, it is a black letter constitutional provision.”
His advice to the citizenry:
“To the many Trump supporters that have reached out to me, asking me what they can do, I say: MOBILIZE and have others mobilize, in order to take this fight to the streets, where numbers have real strength.... Patriots who love this country and refuse to let a bunch of elitist pukes hijack the U.S. Constitution must join us in this historic gathering [the Nov. 14 Million MAGA March] for this most righteous crusade perhaps in modern American history.”
Sidney Powell, the lawyer who turned the Flynn case around, appeared on the Lou Dobbs show Friday night, Nov. 13, full of optimism that the vote fraud will be proven and Trump will win. Sputnik’s Ilya Tsukanov covered the appearance, reporting that Powell called the vote fraud the culmination of four years of efforts by Trump’s opponents to remove him from office. “It’s been organized and conducted with the help of Silicon Valley people, the big tech companies, the social media companies and even the media companies, and I’m going to release the Kraken,” she promised, referring to her ongoing investigation. “I can hardly wait to put forward all the evidence we have collected on Dominion, starting with the fact that it was created to produce altered voting results in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez, and then shipped internationally to manipulate votes for purchase in other countries including this one,” Powell said. She said that her team was collecting evidence on the “financial interests” of the state officials who purchased the Dominion machines.
“We are talking about hundreds of thousands of votes. President Trump won this election in a landslide, it’s going to be irrefutable,” she insisted, and continuing that
“there needs to be a massive criminal investigation and it’s going to affect millions of voters and elections.... We are on the precipice—this is essentially a new American Revolution, and anybody who wants this country to remain free needs to step up right now. These are federal felonies. Altering a vote or changing a ballot is a federal felony. People need to come forward now and get on the right side of this issue and report the fraud they know existed in Dominion Voting Systems because that was what it was created to do,”
Powell said.