Smartmatic: ‘Malloch-Who?’—Ask the Queen
Nov. 20, 2020 (EIRNS)—Sometime over the last two days, Smartmatic removed its biographical notes about its parent company’s Chairman of the Board, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Baron Malloch-Brown of St. Leonard’s Forest in the County of West Sussex. Click on the links to his biography, and you’ll see an error page reporting: “The news record is not available anymore.” The only reference to the British peer remaining on the site is the link to Smartmatic’s “Fact-Sheet” against all those unfair lies out there, where Malloch-Brown is allowed to still exist, as a sort of twice-removed cousin who is NOT, I say NOT working for George Soros!
“Does Mark Malloch-Brown work for George Soros? No. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown sits on the Board of Directors of more than a dozen organizations, including SGO, the parent company of Smartmatic. Malloch-Brown is also on the board of Open Society Foundations, a philanthropic organization founded by Soros that supports democracy and human rights in more than 100 countries.” (However many dozen boards he may sit on, Malloch-Brown is not Chairman of the parent companies of dozens of boards. He is Chairman of SGO.)
Lyndon LaRouche’s movement has warned about Lord Malloch-Brown since 2008. And we noted accurately early on that Malloch-Brown’s relationship to Soros is as the assigned British controller of the Nazi-trained money-bags.
The key to Malloch-Brown’s role in the attempted “fixing” of the 2020 U.S. presidential election is his role as an instrument of the British Royal Family itself.
The decision to make Malloch-Brown a peer for life began in 2006 under Tony Blair’s government, and was consummated in July 2007, when he was simultaneously given a barony, made a Knight Commander in the Order of St. Michael and St. George (KCMG), brought into Gordon Brown’s Foreign Office as a cabinet minister, and thereby appointed to the Queen’s Privy Council, the body above Parliament and government which exercises the Queen’s Prerogative Powers, whose members, once appointed, serve for life. He chaired the Royal Family’s personal vehicle for its African imperial strategy, the Royal African Society (in 2013 minimally).
Smartmatic’s parent company, SGO, has four directors: Malloch-Brown, two Venezuelans from the early start of Smartmatic, and Sir Nigel Knowles, a bigshot global lawyer, is CEO of DWF Group, having been Chairman from September 2017 to May 2020. He spent over 38 years at DLA Piper, a global law firm, where he became Global Co-Chairman and Senior Partner; during his tenure at DLA Piper, its revenues grew from £52 million to more than £1.5 billion. Sir Nigel was knighted in 2009, and from 2016-2017, the Queen appointed him to serve as High Sheriff of Greater London: The Office of High Sheriff is the oldest Royal appointment in the realm, going back for over 1,000 years, predating the Norman Conquest.
2008 EIR article “Soros Man Is British Conduit to Obama”
2008 “British Site Hits Malloch-Brown with EIR Charge” on British paper using EIR coverage.
2008 EIR press release “Mark ‘Moloch’-Brown: The Empire’s Coup Man in Georgia”
2009 EIR press release “Urgent Call to G-20 Governments: Remove Malloch-Brown from the London G-20 Financial Conference Proceedings”
2011 EIR article “Ending National Sovereignty: The British Empire Is Using ‘R2P’ To Destroy the U.S.” on the “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) stratagem
For more information on the British Empire, the May 24, 1996 Special Report in EIR, “The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire” lead to that package.