In Gettysburg Trump Tells Legislators, Election Fraud Must Be Overturned, or ‘This Is not United States’
Nov. 25, 2020 (EIRNS)—President Donald Trump addressed the hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania today held by the state’s Republican Senate Majority Committee to examine evidence of vote fraud committed against him in the Nov. 3 elections. Unable to attend in person, Trump spoke to the legislators by phone, asserting that he had won the election, especially in six swing states, and that the evidence of the fraud was detailed and overwhelming. He provided details on how the fraud worked in Philadelphia, Detroit and other counties. It’s not a matter of waiting another four years, he said, because the “Democrats lost; they cheated ... we won by a lot, in all the swing states,” with a total of 74 million votes nationwide.
The fact that Trump addressed the group so combatively and has made clear he is in a fighting mood, with no intention of conceding the election to Biden, is driving the mainstream media wild. Every single daily tagged on the adjectives “baseless,” “false,” “unsubstantiated,” “unproven,” to describe his remarks, with CBS News self-righteously declaring it wouldn’t even quote him, because everything he says is false. Lying that Trump has already recognized Biden’s “victory,” and is facilitating the transition, the press vultures demand that Trump just walk away.
Trump effusively thanked the Senators for holding the hearing, and praised the Republican poll watchers who were threatened, harassed or mistreated for just trying to do their jobs. “You are doing a great service to your country,” by holding these hearings, he told the Senators. He reported that his team has identified more than enough Trump votes, that were falsely given to Biden, to win the election. He particularly zeroed in on the fraudulent use of mail-in ballots, also noting that as of 11:00 p.m. on Nov. 3 he was winning, and then “things started getting weird. But that wasn’t weird to Dominion,” because they rig elections. He pointed to the phenomenon in several states where there were many more votes than registered voters. “They got caught,” he said, “just as they got caught when they spied on my campaign.... The whole world is watching us,” he warned.” What happened is a “disgrace to our country,” and “must be overturned.”
Several legal experts observing the Trump campaign’s strategy note that his legal team is systematically presenting legal cases before the courts, with the ultimate goal of going to the Supreme Court.