Trump Vows to G20, No Paris Accord, but Invest in Environment Cleanup
Nov. 23, 2020 (EIRNS)—President Donald Trump’s brief speech to the G20 virtual summit, which major U.S. media trashed without reporting it, was a spirited defense of his removal of the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, killer of economies. Trump described his administration’s clean air and clean water initiatives, including $38 billion in water infrastructure investments including drinking water lead cleanups; large financial investments in the national parks; EPA progress in a sharp reduction in so-called “superfund” sites of extensive toxic pollution. And he said, “To protect American workers, I withdrew the United States from the unfair and one-sided Paris Climate Accord. The Paris Accord was not designed to save the environment; it was designed to kill the American economy. I refuse to surrender millions of American jobs .... Since withdrawing from the Paris Accord, the United States has reduced carbon emissions more than any nation, anywhere in the world. Our air is 7% cleaner than when I took office.”
Trump followed with a promotion of the economic benefits to the population of supporting the development of fossil fuels, though he also noted the 30% increase in the nominal power capacity of “renewables” in the United States in the past four years.
“We must preserve the majesty of God’s creation,” the President concluded. “We can protect our environment, promote access to clean, affordable energy, and deliver a future of opportunity, prosperity and hope for our nations all over the world.”
Trump did not address COVID vaccine joint distribution, although it will be on the agenda once the Warp Speed-funded vaccines are approved for distribution in the United States.