Battle for the Vote: Pennsylvania Mail-in Ballots Now in State Court Skirmish
Nov. 26, 2020 (EIRNS)—Following the powerful Nov. 25 hearing in Gettysburg, held by Pennsylvania state senators and the Trump legal team, addressed by President Donald Trump (by phone), which heard direct testimony from poll officials and volunteers from around the state on voting irregularities and infractions, there are similar hearings set over the coming week in other states. The schedule so far: Monday, Nov. 30 in Arizona; Dec. 1 in Michigan; Dec. 4 in Nevada; and soon in Wisconsin.
As shown in Gettysburg, the legislators’ initiative for hearings creates a powerful atmosphere for addressing the truth. This goes beyond the walls of the chamber and limits of the material presented, to beg the right questions of who and what are behind voting manipulation on this scale?
In Pennsylvania on Nov. 27, there was to be an evidentiary hearing on mail-in ballots, by Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough as so ordered by her Nov. 25 when she granted an injunction to stay any further certification of the Pennsylvania election until such a review would take place. But Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Schapiro then filed a counter measure to McCullough’s injunction, appealing to the state Supreme Court. The latest is that Judge McCullough has postponed the Friday hearing, pending word from the state Supreme Court. The plaintiffs whose lawsuit initiated all this action want all the 2.6 million mail-in ballots, called “no-excuse” votes, disqualified. Three-quarters of them are reportedly Democratic votes, whose disqualification would give the state to President Trump.
Attorney Joe diGenova last night on a One America News interview, pointed out that a year or so into Trump’s Presidency, there was coordinated pressure on state legislatures around the country to change state law, to allow widespread mail-in ballots, and similar measures to deregulate voting in the name of ending voter “suppression.” There were even some lawsuits to force this. He stressed that this happened well before the onset of the pandemic. He did not name names, but Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder played a major role in these voter law changes.
In Georgia on Nov. 25, Atlanta attorney L. Lin Wood, a Trump supporter, with a fixation against China, filed an appeal to the Federal 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, over a lower federal judge’s rejection of Wood’s lawsuit showing improper election procedures, and asking for a stay on state certification of the election. The judge ruled that the irregularities shown were not enough to have changed the outcome of the election. Late on Nov. 25, Wood tweeted that his emergency appeal for Expedited Review of his lawsuit was granted.