Sarah Palin Backs Pardon for Julian Assange
Dec. 20, 2020 (EIRNS)—Sarah Palin posted a YouTube video arguing for the President to pardon Julian Assange.
“I think Julian did the right thing. I think Julian did us all a favor in America and did the world a favor by fighting for what he believed is right, and ultimately, he’s been proven to be right. He deserves a pardon. He deserves more of us to understand what he has done in the name of real journalism and that’s getting to the bottom of issues that the public really needs to hear about and benefit from.... I want more Americans to speak out on his behalf and understand what he has done and what has been done to him as he was working on the people’s behalf to allow information to get to us so that we could make up our minds about different issues.... He did the right thing. I support him. And I hope that more and more people ... will speak up in support of pardoning Julian. God Bless him.”
Although WikiLeaks had released some of her emails in 2008 and she had said he should be pursued with the same urgency as al-Qaeda or the Taliban, after she had seen Sean Hannity interview Assange, Palin publicly apologized to him on Jan. 3, 2017 in a Facebook message that also recommended he “catch the movie ‘Snowden.’ ”