Trump Organizes Citizens and State Legislators for Big Fight on Jan. 6
Jan. 3 , 2021 (EIRNS)—“I will be there. Historic day!” President Donald Trump tweeted this morning when he sent out the announcement from the March for Trump team that the Jan. 6 “Stop The Steal,” “Do Not Certify” rally will be held on the White House Ellipse. He also posted a short video urging people to attend what “could be the biggest march in Washington, D.C.’s history.”
In preparation for the Jan. 6 fight, President Trump and his legal team (Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman) briefed nearly 300 state legislators from the five contested states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on Jan. 2 on the national case developed on the election fraud, urging them to take up their responsibility to ensure an honest vote count in their states, before it is too late to do so. “A similar briefing is being scheduled in Washington, D.C. at the request of Members of Congress,” reports the host of the call, the election integrity non-profit “Got Freedom?”
The Zoom call was organized at the request of state legislators from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Got Freedom’s spokesman, Liberty University Law School Professor Phill Kline (also a director of the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project which has been very active in the election fraud fight) was the host, and Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing, and John Lott, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice also participated, each in their personal capacities.
Breitbart reports President Trump spoke to the group for 15 minutes, but no transcript or video is available. Got Freedom, however, has made the documentation presented in the briefing of “the extensive evidence of irregularities and lawlessness in the 2020 presidential election” available to the public, all 1,400 pages of material.
“The American people, along with their elected representatives at the state and federal level, deserve full access to the evidence we’ve uncovered.” Kline said.
“The integrity of our elections is far too important to treat cavalierly, and elected officials deserve to have all relevant information at their disposal as they consider whether to accept the reported results of the 2020 elections, especially in states where the process was influenced by private interests.”
Breitbart further writes that after the call, the participating state legislators were sent a message summarizing Eastman’s argument during the call about the “Constitutional imperatives” of state legislators, and encouraging the legislators to both themselves sign, and circulate to other state legislators, a joint letter to Vice President Mike Pence “to demand that he call for a 12-day delay on ratifying the election, allowing the states the necessary time to further investigate the lawlessness with which the presidential election was conducted.”
Such a letter has already been sent by three representatives (one each from Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona) to Vice President Mike Pence, Kline wrote. “Coming together to sign a joint letter is a vital step—one you should take confidently and in solidarity. We will send the joint letter to all legislators who contact us in reply to this message.”