That’s a Relief—FBI Assures Public That Antifa Was Not Involved in the Assault on the Capitol
Jan. 10 , 2021 (EIRNS)—Asked about reports of Antifa involvement in the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, Washington Field Office assistant director Steven D’Antuono stated Jan. 8: “We have no indication of that at this time,” according to a report in the Hill. Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Michael Sherwin separately said Thursday that investigators had not seen evidence of Antifa presence.
This is especially reassuring, coming from the FBI, which has been duly tutored by the British in classic gang-countergang operations and has decades of experience in infiltrating and running purportedly “left” and “right” wing groups, and then launching a “third force” to get the violence started. This approach traces back to Britain’s Brig. Gen. Dr. John Rawlings Reese and the Tavistock Institute and, more immediately to British Brig. Gen. Frank Kitson’s infamous “gang-countergang” strategy. Did the “Proud Boys” launch the assault on the Capitol? Or was it “Antifa” dressed as “Proud Boys”? Or “Proud Boys” dressed as “Antifa” dressed as... Or maybe it was just the usual ratio of 75% FBI agents and 25% dupes?
For example, a Jan. 3 article published in Business Insider had already reported that “far-right group Proud Boys claim they will attend the January 6 DC rally ‘incognito’ and wear all-black to blend in with Antifa protesters,” quoting Proud Boys’ chairman Enrique Tarrio to that effect.
Meanwhile, the street violence provocations continue in different parts of the country. Fox TV reported today that on Saturday at a rally in Pacific Beach, California, a pro-Trump “Patriot March” was confronted by “a group of counter-demonstrators—some from anti-fascist groups, clad in all black and holding sticks or bats... One member of the group, who was dressed in all black with their face covered, pulled out a can of chemicals and sprayed it in the Trump supporters’ faces.” The leftist thugs reportedly held signs reading “Ashli Babbitt deserved it,” in reference to the woman shot and killed by police during the melee at the Capitol.