London Takes Stock of Where Things Stand in Its War Against the U.S.
Jan. 10 , 2021 (EIRNS)—The orchestrated storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 has gone a long way towards legitimizing Joe Biden as President-elect of the United States, a feature article in the London Guardian crowed today, but there is still much to be done to remove Donald Trump entirely from the political landscape and totally subjugate the nation to London’s policies. Simon Tisdall, the assistant editor of the Guardian, wrote with some disappointment that it is unlikely that President Trump will be removed from office before Jan. 20 by the 25th Amendment, impeachment or forced resignation: “It’s just not that easy, politically or legally,” even though “In some parts of the world, Trump would be shot out of hand for sedition.”
Tisdall continued:
“In one sense, the storming of Congress has simplified matters. It shocked America and to some extent, united it. A majority will condemn the violence, even if an extraordinarily large number of voters still believe Trump’s lies about electoral theft and fraud. It ultimately made certifying Joe Biden’s victory easier... By belatedly condemning the rioters and offering an ‘orderly transition,’ Trump may have defused some of the pressure to sack him.”
Pence seems unlikely to initiate a 25th Amendment proceeding, Tisdall explained. “Resignation is a non-starter. And formal impeachment seems like a stretch, if only because there is so little time to organize it.” That leaves trying to press criminal charges against Trump and others once he is out of office, to permanently prevent his return to the political scene. To that end,
“the riot, and continuing, unbridled across-the-board outrage, has placed enormous new pressure on Biden to bring Trump to book for this and previous misdeeds. Doing nothing may not be an option. Any resort to the courts, if it comes, could extend to Donald Trump Jnr, who deliberately whipped up the crowd before the attack on Congress, and Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who urged the Capitol crowd to undertake ‘trial by combat’.”