At Home and Abroad: The Only Viable War-Avoidance Strategy Is Rapid Economic Development
Jan. 14 , 2021 (EIRNS)—Pope Paul VI was right when he wrote in his 1967 encyclical Populorum Progressio: “Development is the new name for peace.”
The systemic breakdown crisis of the entire trans-Atlantic economic system which Lyndon LaRouche warned about as far back as 1971, is now fully underway and is bringing the United States and the world to the brink of fascist policies, both economically and politically—exactly as LaRouche forecast would occur, were his policies for global economic development not adopted.
In Europe, the demented policies of London-directed greenie de-nuclearization and de-carbonization have reached the point of threatening the existence of the continent’s entire electricity grid. If allowed to continue, Germany this year will decommission three of its last six nuclear power plants, reducing the country’s electricity supply by a shocking 6-7%, for no good reason, simply for intentional deindustrialization and Malthusian depopulation.
Regarding China, the departing U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has come within a millimeter of recognizing Taiwan as a sovereign nation, which would intentionally cross China’s red line and likely trigger an overt military response.
In Russia, the clock is ticking down to the Feb. 5, 2021 expiration of the New START Treaty between the United States and Russia, which would leave the world with exactly zero arms-control agreements between the two superpowers, at a time of sharp and growing tensions between them.
And in the United States, the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol—a modern Reichstag Fire-type of orchestrated provocation—has opened the floodgates to ripping up the institution of the Presidency and the Constitution, ripping up freedom of speech in particular, and instigating Jacobin violence (of both the left and the right) which is intended to dismember the nation—the British Empire’s long-standing feverish dream. The reports of planned violence on inauguration day, Jan. 20, both in Washington, D.C. and in many state capitals across the country, threaten to escalate the crisis into a whole new mode.
President Donald Trump’s repeated denunciation of the assault on the Capitol, distancing himself and his movement from the “mob violence” and stating that “I urge that there must be NO violence,” is laudable—but it is in no way sufficient to defeat the global strategy of the British Empire, of the City of London and Wall Street.
“It’s very clear that the United States is in a deep, deep polarization,” Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated in her Jan. 13 weekly strategic webcast.
“Some people even talk about the danger of a civil war. I’m not going to predict one thing or the other, but it’s very clear that if you don’t find a way to overcome this present extreme polarization, you cannot go into this and say, ‘we are going to fight this to the death.’ This can only lead to an absolute tragedy or lead to a situation like Weimar Germany, where in the end-phase between the National Socialists and the Bolsheviks, you had the fight going back and forth, and we know how that ended.”
Zepp-LaRouche continued:
“What I think needs to be done is a completely different approach. It is the approach of the ‘coincidence of opposites,’ an idea which was developed by Nicholas of Cusa, the idea that the human mind can define a level of solution which is on a higher plateau than that where the conflict arose. What that means concretely, in a situation like this, is that people from all sectors of the political spectrum should work together to address the real problems, like the famine, like the pandemic, like giving a perspective to young people.”
Zepp-LaRouche then referred to the thinking and organizing approach of leaders such as Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, who was personally greatly inspired by Gandhi:
“I think such a voice of reason right now, like that of Martin Luther King, whose birthday we celebrate in a few days,” must be introduced into the highly polarized U.S. situation.
“I think we need to introduce that kind of an element of working together on solving problems, rebuilding the United States. We have to really give a perspective to the ordinary people who have fallen out of the American Dream, if they were ever in it. And I think that that can only be done by moving the relations among nations to a completely different paradigm.... The world urgently needs a new paradigm, a New Bretton Woods system as my late husband had developed for many decades. And I think it is that thinking of Mahatma Gandhi, of Martin Luther King, of Lyndon LaRouche, which is now needed.”
She concluded: “I think this is a very serious moment in American history, it’s a grave moment for the whole world. But I think there are enough forces of good will around the world that we can hopefully put an alliance and a partnership together to save civilization, because that’s what’s really at stake.”