Does Only ‘The Planet’ Have a Future, or Do We?
Feb. 1 , 2021 (EIRNS)—When we think of a better future, we mean it for our children and grandchildren, our nation or “ourselves and our posterity” as the Constitution’s Preamble puts it; we’d like to be able to conceptualize a brighter future for the people of the world as a whole. We hope that more creative ideas from coming generations, and more human compassion, will improve the lives of billions. But a certain Mark Carney doesn’t believe we should be able to think about our future at all—it prevents us thinking about the future of “the planet.”
This Carney is a close friend and colleague of Prince Charles of Britain. Is he a tree-caressing kook like Charles, a people-hater like Charles’ and his father Prince Philip? He’s in the mold of Al Gore and his famous book, known as Mein Planet. Here’s what Carney said in a Jan. 12 interview, conducted by Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, founder of the Inclusive Capital Partners, the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, and a founder and Guardian of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican. Carney is also a Guardian of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican, and fellow-Guardian, Bernard Looney, CEO of bp.
“Speaking as an economist, there is market failure, the failure of the tragedy of the Commons. Think about overgrazing a pastureland ... and overutilization of the resources of the planet because it’s held in common. But then there’s human frailty. We don’t value the future as much as we should. We have to break the tragedy of the Horizon, that we don’t put enough weight on our actions today and how they affect the planet tomorrow. Are we trading off the planet for economic profit, or are we putting the value of the planet as a sustainable eco-system first, and then organizing the economy in order to deliver that?”
The planet’s future trumps yours and your posterity, that’s clear. So Mark Carney is not “an economist” nor does he think about the future like a normal human being. But—he is the world’s most influential central banker of the past decade, as former Governor of the Bank of Canada, Governor of the Bank of England, Chair of the Financial Stability Board of central banks, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance. Above all, he is the partner of Prince Charles, Sir Michael Bloomberg, and Larry Fink the CEO of the Wall Street’s biggest firm BlackRock, Inc., in trying to force the Green Deal, the “Great Reset,” on the world.
If the financial system were now to crash yet again into mass unemployment and poverty—and it is getting close—Charles and Carney and their collaborators would care very little for that, as long as the billions of “poor devils” were not creating carbon emissions on too large a scale. London and Wall Street would be pleased that we would all be using less cement, steel, aluminum, chemicals, ships, planes and trucks—the Seven Deadly Categories of economic activity they targeted to be cut down for the sake of the planet, at the World Economic Forum they ran this past week from Davos, Switzerland. The inclusion of “chemicals” means we’d be producing less food as well—for the planet’s future; but since we’ll all be eating less in the depression after the financial crash, the result would be harmonious.
What they care about is that their Green Deal must now force new taxes—large-scale carbon taxes—and a vast flood of new currency printed by central banks. This will, they are confident, provide them an immense new financial bubble—a “green finance” bubble—to get them through the collapse of the $275 trillion debt bubble that’s coming at us. And that “green finance” bubble will be their bit for the future of the planet, which will have many, many fewer people “over-utilizing” it and bothering them.
If you stubbornly still want a better future for ourselves and our posterity, we need to mobilize for greater human productivity and creativity, and much more production of chemicals, food, hospitals and clinics and laboratories, vaccines and medical cures, coal and nuclear plants, breakthroughs to limitless energy from fusion. We need to break the Wall Street and London-centered banks up, and nationalize our central bank to provide us with credit for truly productive employment. Our watchword is Lyndon LaRouche’s “Four Economic Laws To Save the Nation.”
The planet will thank us for it. It’s never had to bear up under so much debt, bank paper, shuffled paper, so many financial office towers and billions of white-collar offices, and such endless expanses of commercial real estate as it does now.