Pelosi’s Military Man Is a Wild Partisan
Feb. 19 , 2021 (EIRNS)—House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has her military man. That man is retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré, who first came to national attention as the leader of the military mission to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 but who has apparently degenerated into an extreme partisan in retirement. According to the Washington Times’ Rowan Scarborough, Honoré has been running around the media charging that the U.S. Capitol Police were complicit in the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol. Honoré has said in TV and radio interviews that the invasion was an inside job, and that the Capitol Police force is “40% Trumpsters” and “gave way” to the protesters. “They had help inside that force,” he told digital show host Roland Martin. “They were either that stupid or ignorant or they were complicit. I think they were complicit,” he said on MSNBC last month.
On Jan. 15, Pelosi named Honoré to lead a safety-security review and on Feb. 15 she notified House Democrats that she plans to establish an independent commission to investigate the riot by Trump supporters and that Honoré’s work will continue. Honoré seems to have already decided what happened and who was responsible, however. “A police chief has been fired, but now we need to look at a special investigation,” he said on MSNBC. “Was he complicit along with the sergeant of arms in the House and the Senate? It gives [the] appearance of complicity. He complied because he might have thought 45 [Mr. Trump] was coming to the Capitol, and they gave way to the protesters who easily breached the Capitol. This is a crying damn shame.” He told liberal radio host Joe Madison: “By percent, 30 to 40% of line officers are Trumpsters.”
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson played some clips of Mr. Honoré’s declarations Wednesday night, Feb. 17, and said: “Speaking of misinformation and conspiracy theories, there’s no evidence for any of that. It’s all made up. It’s crazy.” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) tweeted: “General Honoré is an extreme partisan and should be the LAST person to head up an investigation of what happened at the Capitol on Jan 6th.”
Honoré’s view of the rioting in Portland, Oregon, however, has been quite different, reports Scarborough. He said the Department of Homeland Security should not have sent law enforcement personnel to protect the federal courthouse that Antifa rioters were trying to burn down. He said a camouflage uniform is “not to be used as an instrument of protest suppression. That uniform is designed to blend into terrain, not to make you look like a warrior. They are wearing these uniforms as a function of intimidation to look like warriors. Real soldiers just don’t walk up to people and start beating on them. Real police don’t do that.”