The LaRouche Factor in U.S. Relations with Russia and China
Feb. 25 , 2021 (EIRNS)—Will President Joe Biden follow in the footsteps of Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump’s obnoxiously aggressive Secretary of State, in U.S. relations with Russia and China? That is the question that the governments of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are asking, one month into the new administration in Washington. The future of war and peace for the planet hangs in the balance.
The answer does not lie with personalities or public remarks—there have been many, and often contradictory statements issued in recent weeks—but with the dynamics of the underlying drive for war created by the bankrupt trans-Atlantic financial system. Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed this issue at the very outset of her Feb. 24 weekly webcast. After noting that Biden had recently stated, both in his G7 and his Munich Security Conference speeches, that he did not want confrontation between East and West, nor a new Cold War, Zepp-LaRouche remarked:
“So, while I don’t want to exaggerate this as such, one has to see it in the context that the relationship between the United States and China is the most important strategic relationship for the future of humanity. For the simple reason that these are the two largest economies, that China is involved with Russia in a strategic alliance, and that, therefore, [it is key] to not have a confrontation and not continue where it was at the end of the Trump Administration, which was completely governed by the China-bashers such as Pompeo, Navarro, and their ilk.”
Zepp-LaRouche declared that Biden’s is a new administration, “so we have to see. I’m not making a judgment at this point” on his Russia and China policies. She also stressed that when President Trump first came into office, “in the beginning, in the election campaign 2016, and throughout the earlier part of Trump’s administration, he said many times, that to have a good relationship with Russia and China is a good thing and not a bad thing. But then we saw how, increasingly, under the strategic pressure, and pressure from the neocons and from the military-industrial complex, Trump more and more capitulated to their confrontational line, especially in respect to China. By April of last year, he started to blame China for COVID, and all kinds of other things. So by the end of the Trump Administration, unfortunately, the relationship with Russia and China was at a historic low.”
With such pressures being brought to bear on Republicans and Democrats alike in Washington by the hit-men of the bankrupt international financial system, both Beijing and Moscow have always taken special note of the clear, unambiguous voice of Lyndon LaRouche coming from the United States, for defining a new basis for U.S. relations with China and with Russia. For example, China Youth Daily, the second-most widely read newspaper in China, reaching an audience of some 10 million people, ran a lead article in its July 24, 2009, edition based on an interview they had conducted with Lyndon LaRouche. Entitled “The Present International Financial System Cannot Be Saved,” the article reported:
“LaRouche proposes that the U.S. put the present financial system through bankruptcy proceedings and return to the system set up by Alexander Hamilton, and through the establishment of a national bank begin to issue credit for reviving U.S. industry. On the international level, this principle can then be extended to the world economy by means of treaty agreements among sovereign nations. Establishing an international system of fixed exchange rates among currencies would determine the price of commodities, and the treaty arrangements would provide the needed credit,”
the article continued.
“LaRouche believes that if the United States, China, Russia, and India, as sovereign nations which encompass the greatest area of the world, and contain the largest population in the world, were to come together around agreement on financial arrangements, this would provide immediately the basis of a new world financial system. LaRouche believes that the development of Asia will, in the future, take the lead in the development of humanity, and that China is the key to the Eurasian continent.”
Today, a dozen years after those remarks, the voice for that LaRouche policy is to be found with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and with The LaRouche Organization.