Vilification of China Continues at CPAC
Feb. 28 , 2021 (EIRNS)—On Sunday, professional China-basher Gordon Chang participated in two panels at the Conservative Political Action Conference, in which China was pilloried as the “greatest threat” in the world.
Chang is infamous as the author of the very epitome of “this didn’t age well”: his 2001 book The Coming Collapse of China, in which he writes in ominous tones about China’s coming economic failure and government collapse. China has achieved phenomenal growth over the two decades since Chang penned his prognostications.
Of course, if you’re part of British efforts to prevent the rise of rivals and of the possibility of U.S. cooperation with its great potential allies Russia and China, being breathtakingly wrong in the past isn’t disqualifying.
Among the silly things said in the panels:
• China has always been anti-U.S..
• Japan is terrified of the threat posed by a reunified Korea.
• TikTok is an enormous security risk.
• China is not a “strategic competitor”; it is America’s enemy.
• The Communist Party of China is an abusive, genocidal regime, acting as a trans-national criminal association.
• China is “the greatest threat to American peace, security, and freedom.”
Did China cause Texas to build windmills rather than power plants? Did China create the Russiagate hoax against Trump? Did China bail out Wall Street rather than invest in infrastructure? Did China create the green movement or Antifa? Does China exert enormous influence over U.S. policy, through think tanks and such social media operations as the Integrity Initiative?
No. We must not allow mankind’s true enemies to succeed in convincing their adepts that China is the enemy.