At the Crossroads: Taking the Path of ‘Peace Through Development’
March 26, 2026 (EIRNS)—Before the end of March, The LaRouche Organization will release its first print run of thousands of copies of its mass circulation, 55-page report, “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Crushes the ‘Green New Deal’ Fraud.” This comes at a moment of great urgency, given the imminent blow-out of the dead monetarist system, the war danger, and the push for Doomsday, green “Great Reset” policies. This new report initiative in the U.S. feeds into the momentum shown by the dialogue at the March 20-21 international Schiller Institute conference—still reverberating ever more widely, which is in the direction of the “peace through development” path, for a world at the crossroads.
Special expression of prospects for taking the right path comes from international co-sponsors joining Schiller Institute president Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s statement, released March 21 at the conference, titled, “Declaration of China Experts from All Over the World.”
Today, the statement was recognized in Beijing at the Foreign Ministry press briefing by Ministry Department of Information Department Director Hua Chunying. She was asked by a CCTV reporter, referring to the Declaration appearing in France, “What is China’s comment on this?”
Hua replied at some length, beginning, “We have taken note of the statement. We believe that it represents and reflects the rational and just voice of the international community, and it is also a condemnation and opposition to the crazy words and deeds of some Western anti-China forces over time, such as disregarding the facts and attacking China, and even falsely slandering.
“I note that the co-signers of the statement have hundreds of experiences or objective observations of China, dwelling with, or having lived and worked in China, or who have frequently travelled and stayed in China for long periods of time. Many of them have witnessed China’s great achievements since the reform and opening-up, and observed up close the Chinese government’s ‘people-centered Chinese’ ruling philosophy, lifting up more than 800 million people out of extreme poverty, and recently witnessed the victory of 1.4 billion Chinese people in the fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic. I think their statement proves once again, that what they see is true....” (Full remarks below). Madame Hua’s words are all the more noteworthy, given that they came in the same, super-hot briefing in which the Ministry took the gloves off, when it comes to the latest revelations of how the “issue” of Uighur human rights violations was deliberately concocted from the start, as an internal destabilization against China and its government. The briefing began with a showing of a 2018 video clip of Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (ret.), former chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, in which he gave three reasons why U.S. troops are in Afghanistan, including: “The third reason we have troops in Afghanistan is that there are 20 million Uighurs in Xinjiang, China. The best way for the CIA to destabilize China is to create unrest in China. If the CIA can take advantage of these Uighurs and work with them to keep stimulating Beijing, it will not need external forces to bring down China directly from within.” It should be noted that Wilkerson, since leaving government, has been an outspoken opponent of the “endless wars,” and he was speaking at the anti-war Ron Paul Institute, so his words were more an exposure of U.S. bad actions rather than a “confession” by an insider to those bad acts.
Hua, nonetheless, drew out the significance of this exposure, summarizing that, “Facts have proved time and again that the Xinjiang issue is not a national, religious or human rights issue, but an anti-secession, anti-riot, anti-intervention issue,” and that the United States had concocted other stories and conducted destabilizations elsewhere, including in Iraq and Syria. She confronted the media for their retailing of lies and false information.
Otherwise, there are expressions elsewhere of sanity in the pushback against the anti-China, anti-Russia geopolitics, and against the green reset agenda. This week the United States-China Agriculture Roundtable held two of four planned sessions (online) co-hosted by the U.S. Heartland-China Association, based in Missouri and covering the Central States. The speakers—government, business and farm commodity leaders—called for continued, expanded win-win trade and good relations between the two countries, and spoke in depth about dairy, pork and soybeans. Leaders of the sister states of Hebei and Iowa stressed economic ti s, and their special friendship history, which includes personal visits to Iowa by President Xi Jinping, going back to 1985. Keynote speakers, including former Missouri Gov. Bob Holden, CEO and Chairman of the USHCA, declared there must be “collaboration not confrontation.”In Europe, seven of the EU nations have issued an open letter in support of nuclear power, which goes against the current green rule book for the future. What the Schiller Institute conference process of dialogue provides is the positive concept—beyond rearguard defense—of contributing to limitless advance of mankind and the universe. This is embodied in the concrete programs, as presented at last weekend’s sessions, for the North American/Western Hemisphere Belt and Road Initiative, and projects for Southwest Asia. In his current week-long tour of the region, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in Iran today, stressed that 19 countries in the greater Southwest Asia region are now part of the Belt and Road Initiative.
Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave the overview, in her remarks concluding last weekend’s conference. The overriding necessity, she said, is a global Glass-Steagall breakup of banks and multinational financial creations, and a “New Bretton Woods” international credit system. The path forward.