Hear the Voices
March 28 , 2021 (EIRNS)—Through the daily din of saber-rattling against China and Russia, and the chaos and death of the spreading pandemic in most of the world, and Wall Street’s shrill cries for green depopulation, voices for sanity and development are being raised around the world—and they are being heard. They are, in fact, echoes of the voice of Lyndon LaRouche and his living movement.
From China, the spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry, Hua Chunying, today tweeted in English: “Hear the voices of true scholars,” followed by a link to the first page of the Declaration initiated by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, of experts from all over the world demanding a policy of cooperation, not confrontation, with China. That call concludes: “The success from China’s emphasis on science and technological progress and innovation, demonstrate that China is doing well with what we in the West have seemingly forgotten, and we would do better to respond to the offer of cooperation, than seeking confrontation. We should better take up the view of the great philosopher and founder of modern mathematics, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and in a Dialogue of Cultures find a way to solve the crises challenging all of Humanity.” Spoken and heard.
Likewise from Syria, a lawyer wrote to the Schiller Institute after having listened to former Virginia state Senator Richard Black’s courageous call for the United States to abandon decades of criminal British geopolitics and help develop Southwest Asia with infrastructure—as China is doing. “As a Syrian citizen, I cannot say or add any word to the presentation of Sen. Black,” the appreciative lawyer wrote, “except to thank you very much, as an institute and people who are in charge of it, for this deep and wonderful video that comes from the heart of the country that caused all these disasters to Syria and the region.” Spoken and heard.
And in less than a month, President Biden will team up with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to try to impose the City of London’s policy of green genocide on the entire planet, at the April 22-23 Leaders Summit on Climate. But for the full month, The LaRouche Organization will be on the airwaves and (where possible) on the streets of the country, with LaRouche’s human alternative presented in the pamphlet “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Crushes Green New Deal Fraud.”
The survival of every one of the 40 countries whose heads of state and government have been invited to that summit, in fact depends on the rejection of the green new deal, and on hearing the voice of Lyndon LaRouche instead.