Twelve U.S. States Sue To Block Green Reset Assault
March 9 , 2021 (EIRNS)—Since the time of the February release of the EIR Special Report, “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal,” to spur action to defeat the Malthusian policy of genocide called variously the Green (New) Deal, the Great Reset, and Stakeholder Capitalism, there are now certain important initiatives of opposition.
In the U.S. on March 8, Missouri plus 11 other states filed suit in federal court, to block President Biden’s Executive Orders mandating sweeping green “reset” policies—opposing both their harmful content, and their mode of enforcement by unlawful executive decree. The lawsuit’s arguments are straightforward.
First, the lawsuit charges that the green policies will cause deep damage to the states involved and nationwide, by cutting manufacturing, suppressing agriculture, decreasing energy supply and reliability, impoverishing people and other destructive impacts, now and for decades to come. Secondly, the suit charges that the White House does not have the authority to declare policy in these areas; only Congress has the power and responsibility.
Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche today observed the importance of this initiative internationally. “This is a major break,” to be used against the green onslaught. Initiatives for the public good, in particular, should be made in Europe, ground zero for the abominable EU Green Deal, and for parallel programs in Britain, host to the next UN Climate Summit in November in Glasgow.
The lawsuit charges that Biden’s Executive Order 13990, titled, “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science To Tackle the Climate Crisis,” wrongfully issues binding numbers for the “social cost” of greenhouse gases to be then used in federal regulations as an excuse to reduce essential economic activity.
One section of the lawsuit states what is at stake, domestically and worldwide: “If the Executive Order stands, it will inflict hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars of damage to the U.S. economy for decades to come. It will destroy jobs, stifle energy production, strangle America’s energy independence, suppress agriculture, deter innovation, and impoverish working families....” Moreover, the suit charges that “U.S. agricultural and energy production—which these actions [the Biden orders] would stifle—have global benefits ... which enrich the entire world, and yet the Biden Administration gave them little or no weight in its calculation of the ‘social cost’ of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxide.”
The leader of the legal initiative is Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a likely Republican Party candidate for U.S. Senate, and the other states likewise have Republican Party governments, but this is not a party question, nor a mere “issue.” The co-plaintiffs are core states of the farm belt—Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Montana, Ohio, and Indiana, along with Missouri, plus Arizona, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah. The defendants include not only President Biden, but 10 federal departments, especially Agriculture, Energy, Transportation, Interior, and similar agencies.
Another action forcefully opposing the global green “great leap backward” comes from Russia. On March 2, President Vladimir Putin held a major national meeting on the significance of coal. With all the relevant ministerial leaders present, and leaders from mining, transportation, industry, and others, Putin reviewed the economic geography and goals involved. Russia produces about 400 million tons a year, from five major regions, where some 11 million people live. He stated that half of the output is exported, and very important to the Asian Pacific region. He called for increasing coal shipments eastward from the Kuznetsk Basin by 30% between now and 2024.
Putin commented pointedly about the recent energy failure in the United States, in apt remarks about how “adjustments” in energy policies should be made when needed, as they are being made in Russia. He said, “As for the long-term prospects of the global coal market beyond the current decade, I know that there are different forecasts in this regard. It is no secret that some of them suggest a significant contraction.... We also know what is happening with this. Texas froze because of the cold weather. And the windmills had to be thawed in ways that are far from environmentally friendly. Maybe this will also cause adjustments.”
Meantime, the backdrop to these positive moves to defend and expand essential economic activity, is the fact that the monetarist financial system itself is crumbling and in urgent need for Glass-Steagall type financial reorganization. An indicative event in Germany is the recent failure of the Greensill Bank in Bremen. Some 50 municipal depositors, e.g., in Giessen, are in the lurch for funds they need for city infrastructure and operations.
Zepp-LaRouche stressed today that in this context of imminent financial crash and the green onslaught of self-destruction of national economies, the continued pursuit of geopolitics will inevitably lead to war. There is no alternative but to get to a new paradigm.
In light of this, the upcoming international Schiller Institute conference is a critical point of intervention. Spread the opportunity. Spread the momentum! It is March 20-21, titled, “World at a Crossroad: Two Months Into the New U.S. Administration.”