Our Survival and Progress Depends on Three Great Nations’ Collaboration
March 15 , 2021 (EIRNS)—The full cooperation of the United States at least with Russia and China is essential for a world economic and social recovery. Even to successfully vaccinate most of the human population in time to prevent the pandemic from becoming a permanent plague, those nations must act together and in the interest of humanity first—which requires a new cultural paradigm. Just look at the COVID blunders of the European Union leaders while they try to avoid any use of Russia’s vaccine; the problems of Britain’s AstraZeneca vaccine when Russia’s Gamaleya Institute is not consulting on it. Look at the outrageous vaccine hoarding by the Biden administration of hundreds of millions of shots more than the entire American population needs, even hoarding vaccines not approved by the FDA, while repeatedly and even from public podiums refusing developing nations’ requests to buy vaccines.
The pandemic-triggered famines which have reduced almost 100 million people to “acute hunger” and threaten 200 million more cannot be stopped without a crash mobilization to double food production, which takes joint credits and cooperative effort of the most efficient producers. Modern health systems cannot be built in nations all over the world which are without them in the face of pandemic, without such collaboration. How can this happen if British geopolitics is brewing military confrontations with both China and Russia?
The Schiller Institute’s two-day conference this Saturday and Sunday, March 20-21 will bring together experts and activists from nations all over the world to work out the solutions to these missions. To solve them requires a “New Bretton Woods” summit, a new credit system, a new cultural paradigm. This weekend’s conference, “The World at a Crossroad: Two Months into the New U.S. Administration,” will rehearse that summit and what it must agree upon.
There will be four panels. The first to revive the creative power of the Classical cultures of all nations, with presentations marking the 700th anniversary of the great Dante Alighieri’s death; the “Year of Beethoven” who was born 250 years ago; the American leaders who understood the power of poetry; the campaign to teach Lyndon LaRouche’s works on every university campus. The second and third panels will hear leaders from China, Russia, America, France, Ibero-America, Southwest Asia nations discuss economic development to stop perpetual war, with the focus on the reconstruction of Southwest Asian nations. The fourth panel will feature American farmers and agriculturists joining medical professionals to tackle the combined threats to the human population of the pandemic and the ongoing famines.
In the buildup to this conference the LaRouche movement’s EIR weekly magazine published the complete economic discrediting of the so-called Green New Deal (“The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal”). How can the U.S. Secretary of State, as Antony Blinken did on March 9, cite a “first priority” task of “decarbonizing Africa,” when shutting down particularly coal power in power-short African nations means millions will die? And the same Green New Deal will ruin the American economy, as it has already thrown Germany’s Europe-leading economy into quicksand.
The March 20-21 conference, with that report being reissued in mass pamphlet form, will mobilize the opposition to reverse that disastrous policy! Join us there.
Register for the Schiller/ICLC conference at the Schiller Institute website.