Biden Moots Reprisals against Russia, after Release of U.S. Intelligence Community Report
March 17 , 2021 (EIRNS)—Mainstream headlines over the past 24 hours screamed “Russia, Russia, Russia,” all over again: “U.S. Intelligence Report Says Russia Attempted to Interfere in 2020 Election” (CNN); “Putin Targeted People Close to Trump in Bid to Influence 2020 Election, U.S. Intelligence Says” (Washington Post); “Russia Tried to Help Trump Win 2020 Election” (EUobserver). The just-declassified “Intelligence Community Assessment of Foreign Threats to the 2020 U.S. Federal Elections” asserts that the “IC,” as they like to call themselves, has determined, with “high confidence,” that “Russian President Putin authorized, and a range of Russian government organizations conducted, influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the U.S.”
On cue, President Joe Biden this morning declared to ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos that he believes Putin “is a killer,” but he “will pay a price” for this. What price? “You’ll see shortly.... I’m not going to announce what I’m doing, but he’s going to understand that it’s not free,” he replied.
Wiser U.S. citizens will recognize this report as another example of how, since the days of Truman, we have elected U.S. governments which come and go, but so far, our British-serving “military-intelligence complex” continues undisturbed. This “IC Assessment” just released by Biden’s Director of National Intelligence is the declassified version of the classified report produced on Jan. 7, 2021, under the Trump administration, by the same “IC” which hounded President Donald Trump for his entire administration.
Furthermore, the case against Russia is pivoted around the absurd charge that Ukrainian legislator Andriy Derkach was acting as a Russian agent, when he released audiotapes in 2020 of then-VP Joe Biden muscling then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to dump Ukraine’s Attorney General Viktor Shokin, in order to protect the Ukrainian oil company Burisma for which Hunter Biden worked. In brief, Derkach had gone after a political opponent, Poroshenko, long before the 2020 election, on corruption inside Ukraine—which Biden was part of. He would have had to censor himself about internal corruption in order to “not interfere” with the 2020 election.
Yet the IC report asserts:
“We assess that Putin had purview over the activities of Andriy Derkach, a Ukrainian legislator who played a prominent role in Russia’s election influence activities ... revolv[ing] around a narrative—that Russian actors began spreading as early as 2014—alleging corrupt ties between President Biden, his family, and other U.S. officials and Ukraine. Russian intelligence services relied on Ukraine-linked proxies and these proxies’ networks—including their U.S. contacts—to spread this narrative to give Moscow plausible deniability of their involvement.”