Two Months Into the New U.S. Administration: The World at a Crossroad
March 19 , 2021 (EIRNS)—The relationship between the United States and China is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. Yet it cannot be understood purely in terms of those two nations, and it will not be decided solely by citizens of those two nations.
With notable exceptions, including some useful impulses by President Trump, the United States since World War II has increasingly come to resemble and to be controlled by the British Empire against which it fought a revolution over two hundred years ago. The nation of Lincoln, which had demonstrated to the world the power of its American System of economics and a commitment not to a ruling class but to the general welfare of its population, is being rotted out from a British-inspired cultural disease. The illness takes the form of financialization of the economy, degradation of culture, and an assault on the universal principles expressed in the greatest moments of the United States—both past and to come.
The expressed interests of the United States Beltway-Wall Street-Silicon Valley oligarchs are not the interest of the nation, or of the American people.
Over the last few decades of Reform and Opening Up, China has produced economic growth at an extraordinary rate, and was able, by its size and sovereignty, to pursue these policies even against countervailing pressures from the decaying Western financial system, such as the World Bank. Today, it is exporting that growth model, and its engineering and manufacturing output, through a great project it calls the Belt and Road Initiative, which itself exists in a historical space shaped by the advocacy for decades by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche for a new paradigm of economic relations.
What will be the outcomes of the discussions held in Alaska between representatives of the United States and China—the first visit of a foreign delegation to the U.S. during the Biden administration? That depends on the outcomes of broader decisions—those of a thinking elite of citizenry around the world.
The Schiller Institute and ICLC are gathering leaders from the United States, China, Russia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and the entire world for a dialogue on how to meet the existential crisis facing mankind with the idea of “peace through development.”
Lyndon LaRouche, always “looking ahead to the next fifty years,” developed a profound understanding of the inner contours of development, and of the powerful connections among science, culture, and economics. Benefitting from the method he advanced, we can create the necessary revolution in human affairs to meet our shared challenges as a human race, and to forge a world worthy of the dignity of man, now and in the future.
Join the conference “Two Months Into the New U.S. Administration: The World at a Crossroad” at
Panel 1: “Reversing the Cultural Wasteland—The Urgency of a New Renaissance, Creating a Planetary Culture Worthy of the Dignity of Humanity”—Saturday, 10:00 a.m. EDT, 15:00 CET
Panel 2: “The Strategic Crisis Facing the Human Race”—Saturday, 2:00 p.m. EDT, 19:00 CET
Panel 3: “The Indo-Pacific, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia: Pivots for War, or Peaceful Development with the New Silk Road”—Sunday, 10:00 a.m. EDT, 15:00 CET
Panel 4: “The Challenge of Famine and Pandemics—The Coincidence of Opposites or Mass Extinction?”—Sunday, 2:00 p.m. EDT, 19:00 CET