Schiller Institute Conference, Panel 2: The Strategic Crisis Facing the Human Race
March 20 , 2021 (EIRNS)—The second panel brought together, under the conceptual hand of the Schiller Institute, government representatives from the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the Syrian Arab Republic, and scientists and thinkers from Mexico, Argentina, the U.S., France, and Pakistan.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her opening remarks, warned of the threat of global nuclear war in the near term, given the current plan to globalize NATO, while declaring China as an enemy of the West. She posed the challenge: can Humanity not find the capacity to give itself a New Paradigm to insure a bright future?
Consul General Ping Huang, from the Chinese Consulate General in New York City, gave a major address, dispelling widely circulated lies and misconceptions about China, its history and the Communist Party of China. He described the nature of democracy in China, the unity of human rights and economic progress in China, and a foreign policy defined by the common destiny of mankind. How can the current confrontation between China and the U.S. be replaced by collaboration? He answered: the West must understand that China will never give up its right to become a modern, prosperous nation; move to restart cooperation in counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, combatting the financial crisis, and enliven joint business ventures. He concluded that as great nations, the U.S. and China shoulder heavy responsibilities for the fate of all Mankind: only the right choice can ensure a bright future.
First Secretary Alexey Boguslavskiy of the Russian Federation Mission to the UN warned that the geopolitics of the “rules-based order,” rather than the international law inscribed in the UN Charter, and the formation of military blocs, will only lead to disaster. He said that with the Covid pandemic raging, the world’s people are demanding cooperation among the great powers. He sharply ended his talk by quoting John Quincy Adams: “America should not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”
Next, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Media and Political Advisor to the Syrian Presidency, gave a passionate depiction of the destruction of her country by an American policy over the last 10 years which is based on the ugly axiom of Western supremacy, on the deploying of a world NATO and an obsession with “the rise of China.” She called for a New Paradigm of relations between nations which acknowledges that God created all of us—with different cultures and different histories—which must each and all be respected and allowed to freely develop, to enrich the world as a whole. (Helga Zepp-LaRouche remarked during the Q&A that Dr. Shaaban’s presentation to a Schiller Institute Conference in Berlin in 2016 had been quite optimistic, in great contrast to the destruction of the nation that has taken place since then.)
Dr. William Happer, Professor Emeritus of Princeton University (who had been brought on to the National Security Council by President Trump in order to set up an actual scientific debate with the advocates of the climate change hoax, only to see that effort sabotaged by Trump’s Cabinet), presented a devastating scientific proof of the fraud of the claims of the climate hysterics. He demonstrated that CO2 is not a pollutant, but a boon to food production, and that the hysteria is based wittingly on fraudulent computer models. He described the climate change movement as a religious crusade, not based on any real science.
The second half of the panel put a spotlight on the emerging movement for development in Ibero-America, grounded on the current revival of integration of the patriots and governments of Mexico and Argentina, centered on what Alejandro Yaya of Argentina called “the industry of industries—space science.” Dennis Small of EIR, Simón Levy and Daniel Marmolejo of Mexico, all joined Yaya on discussing, in depth, an emerging youth movement in Ibero-America: for space science, for education, for creating, now, a future of science, economic growth and Ibero-American integration. Marmolejo called China the key country to assist in the integration of Mexico and Argentina. Yaya described in detail all of his work in Argentina educating youth, from all classes, in physics, robotics and the space sciences; we must awaken in youth the quality of astonishment, don’t let anyone take that away from them!
Presentations were also made from France on the global import of Russian-Turkish relations, from Pakistan on the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the New Silk Road, and by EIR’s Richard Freeman on the long-planned origins of today’s fascist schemes called the Global Reset and the Green New Deal.
In her concluding remarks, Helga Zepp-LaRouche discussed the devastation of 10 years of war dismembering Syria, which continues today, and the concentration camps in Yemen and in nations in Africa where starvation and disease create mass death, even while the practical solutions among the major powers are readily at hand. She asked: can we not evoke the power of agapē in mankind to break these fascist policies, “this heaven-crying injustice?” She said that we now have the New Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Schiller Institute, and the plan for a North American Belt and Road Initiative (NABRI) as a bridge-builder between China and the U.S. We can find solutions on a higher level if we employ Cusa’s method of Coincidentia Oppositorum. She urged the audience, participating in this conference, to wake people up with the history-changing ideas presented here today, and to accomplish the solutions that are readily at hand, as expressed by the governments and the thinkers at today’s conference.