Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Schiller Institute Conference Breaks Through
March 22 , 2021 (EIRNS)—The Schiller Institute’s two-day international conference just concluded March 21 achieved a number of breakthroughs which no other organization is capable of having done, which are extraordinarily important in this crisis of pandemic, spreading hunger and military and social conflict.
Two were most obvious. High-ranking representatives of Russia and China gave important presentations on the second, “strategic” panel of the conference, on a weekend in which tensions among the three superpowers spiked up, with the Russian Ambassador recalled from Washington and the public confrontation U.S.-China meeting of top officials in Alaska. These representatives understand that the Schiller Institute’s activists in the United States and Europe who organized the meeting are a unique cultural and political force for peace and development. And on the third panel Sunday morning, a decorated U.S. Marine combat veteran, former Virginia State Senator and conservative Republican, Col. Richard Black (ret.), was bold and brave enough to denounce the war policies of the United States and NATO in Southwest Asia, especially Syria, and demand, “This has to stop!”
On that third panel representatives of the popular governments of Yemen, Syria and Iraq were able to speak directly to Americans, Europeans and to young people in Ibero-America—something which was a first for numerous of the several thousand people who watched the conference online. A way was presented in detail—the North American Belt and Road Initiative—for the United States and China to cooperate for the economic advantage of both, in aiding high-technology development of the nations of Mexico, Central and South America.
Two of this unique conference’s sessions, taken together, completely exposed and debunked the so-called Green New Deal as both scientifically fraudulent and economically destructive, in a way comprehensible to professionals and laymen alike. Princeton physicist Dr. William Happer, formerly on the National Security Council in 2018-19, discredited the case against carbon dioxide itself as a substance supposedly dangerous to the planet. And Richard Freeman of EIR showed the British Royal Family origin and steering of the Green New Deal as a torpedo aimed to destroy industrial civilization.
Perhaps most important, the Committee on the Coincidence of Oppositions came forward at this conference, a collaboration of leading medical professionals from minority communities, and American farm leaders, and veteran military officers, dedicated to seeing modern healthcare systems in every nation to fight the pandemic, to training youth Health Corps, and to doubling food production to fight the famine that is spreading. This Committee, the idea of Helga Zepp-LaRouche and former U.S. Surgeon-General Joycelyn Elders, is itself unique in the social force “of opposites” it is creating.
The same conference was able, in its opening session devoted to “a new cultural Renaissance,” to convey the necessity of Classical poetry and music to political leaders and citizens who are going to solve these problems.
The basic solutions to this crisis of economic collapse and debt explosion remain as Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have said: Glass-Steagall breakup of the megabanks; a “New Bretton Woods” international credit system; national bank credit institutions in every nation, crash programs at the space and fusion frontiers. But as Helga Zepp-LaRouche pointed out as the conference ended, “Populations have become numbed” by misfortune, prejudice, disease, social conflict and a degenerated popular culture—all of these issues have also to be taken on, and the grave danger of the Great Reset and Green New Deal fully understood.
Next we will publish a mass-circulation pamphlet form of EIR’s Special Report, “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Exposes the Green New Deal.” Conferences on these subjects will continue. How quickly, may depend on you. Find the times to watch this one in full, at the link here. The Schiller Institute does not have enough activist forces to hold the range of such events which it could command. We need those who have seen this conference, to join with Helga Zepp-LaRouche.