Blinken and Pompeo Agree: Death to Syrian Children
March 30 , 2021 (EIRNS)—The dire situation in Syria is becoming one of the critical junctures in the intensifying battle between the genocidal policies of the British Empire and a new paradigm based on peace through development. After ten years of warfare in Syria, instigated and orchestrated by the Obama Administration with the intention of bombing it into oblivion, arming terrorists to destroy its social and political structure, assassinating its head of state, and looting its raw materials—i.e., precisely what George W. Bush did in Iraq and Obama did in Libya—the nation is teetering on the brink of Hell. Ninety percent of the population have fallen into poverty (the highest rate in the world). There are mile-long queues for a loaf of bread or a gallon of gasoline, and electricity availability in Damascus is down to three hours a day. Although war-fighting is largely over, millions of refugees are unable to return home, due to unilateral U.S. sanctions which prevent any reconstruction. President Donald Trump’s expressed intention to end the illegal and evil war were fully rejected by the Pentagon leaders who supposedly took orders from the Commander-in-Chief. The only reason Syria even survives as a sovereign state is because Russia agreed to intervene, joining in a war against the terrorists and defending the sovereign government under President Bashar al-Assad.
On March 29, the UN Security Council held a forum on the situation in Syria, in which the evil of the war party was on full display. Speaking for war and genocide was Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who, as Deputy Secretary of State under Obama, advocated all-out war and regime change against Assad. At the UN he had the gall to shed a tear for the “urgent needs of the Syrian people that we’ve heard described so eloquently today. It’s clear that those needs, including having enough to eat, and access to medicine, are not going to be met by the Assad regime.” Not a soul at that meeting was unaware that the U.S. sanctions are intended to be certain that Assad is unable to feed his people.
As Col. Richard Black (ret.) told the Schiller Institute conference on March 21, “Sanctions do nothing but attack the innocent, the poor, the helpless! They are the most cruel and barbaric type of warfare that we can wage.”
Responding to Blinken was Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin: “The reaction of Washington and Brussels to the call of the UN Secretary General to ease and lift unilateral sanctions amid the coronavirus pandemic was, on the contrary, to tighten in an unprecedented way the restrictions adopted—bypassing the UN Security Council—including the introduction of the infamous Caesar Act in June 2020. Unfortunately, the honorable representative of the U.S. and other Western colleagues spoke about a lot of things in today’s speeches but not the U.S. and EU sanctions and their dramatic negative effect on ordinary Syrians.”
How can a nation claiming to be concerned with human rights impose, through sanctions and war, starvation on millions of children in Syria and Yemen? How can a nation which has killed millions of innocent Muslims in order to achieve “regime change” in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, then claim moral purity about Islam by declaring China guilty of “genocide” against the Uighurs in Xinjiang—as both Pompeo and Blinken have done—when any one of their representatives need only travel to Xinjiang to see that it is an utter lie?
There has been a drastic failure of morality in the trans-Atlantic world—failure to counter the pandemic’s course of death, failure of compassion for the victims of their wars and sanctions, failure to address the most profound human rights, those of poverty and starvation, even within their own countries.
The Schiller Institute and The LaRouche Organization are creating the institutional means through which political leaders and concerned citizens can, and must, act to reverse such evil, and inspire the world to restore the dignity of man through international cooperation to restore a love of science, of beauty, of Classical culture and human progress. The Malthusian Green New Deal can, and must, be defeated. Purchase and circulate the pamphlet “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Crushes the ‘Green New Deal’ Fraud.”