A Systemic Global Crisis Only Has a Systemic Global Solution: New Paradigm, or War?
April 9 , 2021 (EIRNS)—It is quite possible that the terrible complex of crises which now stare humanity squarely in the face—the dramatically escalating flashpoint of war in Ukraine, the race to vaccinate billions of people against COVID-19, the terrible famine threatening to kill millions of people in the immediate months, the growing risk of blowout of the financial system—will mark the onset of a new, deep dark age. However, unless, like the finally deceased Prince Philip, you believe that we are mere animals, a completely different fate is equally possible—if we have the moral will to change course.
While ideological troglodytes in the U.S. and Europe play a very risky and failed game in aiming for regime change in Russia and China—one which Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated is “the stuff of world wars”—those nations, along with most of the rest of the world, have made quite clear that the era of geopolitics and empire can no longer pretend to meet the needs of a growing humanity—including those humans who reside in the United States.
Russia and China, and India, in particular, are pushing back very publicly against the dangerous actions of NATO and Western actors, both on the stage of strategic conflict and economic warfare. At her press briefing on Friday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called out the role of outside actors in stoking conflict in Ukraine, stating frankly, “All this is happening at the prompting of Kiev’s Western sponsors, with overt public support.” A widely covered article by the China Society for Human Rights denounces the hypocrisy of U.S. accusation against China of human rights abuses by documenting the humanitarian disasters caused by the U.S. in its aggressive wars, concluding “The world needs human rights defenders, but the U.S. is not qualified to act as such.” Indian officials have made quite clear that developed countries like the U.S. and European countries have no right to stop developing countries like India and African nations from building their nations to modern standard because of “net-zero carbon targets.”
The World Food Program’s director David Beasley similarly pointed to the moral bankruptcy of a system in which “in 2020, a new billionaire was created every 17 hours. And all I need is $5 billion” to help the 270 million people worldwide who are on the brink of starvation. In this spirit, the Schiller Institute’s Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites has officially announced a pilot project which will deliver medical supplies, food aid and seeds to Mozambique, one of the poorest and youngest nations in Africa, to demonstrate that “we can mitigate tragic circumstances, and inspire the large-scale response needed.”
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her weekly strategic webcast of April 7th, identified the root cause of these various crises: Not that there are no known solutions to the war, the famine, the pandemic, but that “neither in the United States nor in Europe, [is] the political establishment willing to reflect on why their policies are failing. Rather than change the policy, they say: ‘OK, let’s go for an escalation of the confrontation against Russia and China,’ and that will lead to a potential disaster.”
She said,
“It comes back to the question that we need a paradigm shift, where we correct those neoliberal policies which have created the condition for the pandemic to arise in the first place, and ... it would require governments to change their policies ... and say, ‘We go for industrialization of the Global South, because that’s the only way we can eliminate the conditions which make pandemics possible.’ And it’s a moral question! ... It would be so easy to change this! ... We could start to build ports, to build railways, to build cities. It could be done! And it would be the motor for Europe and the United States to pull ourselves out of the present economic crisis on top of it.”
Changes in history don’t happen; they are made by those with the moral courage, and will, to break from past thinking and choose a more truthful course. If you agree, then join our fight.