‘The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm’
April 20 , 2021 (EIRNS)—The potential to defeat the genocidal “Green New Deal” and “Great Reset” policies of the bankrupt trans-Atlantic establishment is palpable and growing. That is what makes the global strategic situation “dangerous, polarized, interesting and hopeful—all of the above at the same time,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche asserted today.
A growing number of powerful voices are being raised which, although still nodding in the direction of the green climate-change mythology, are digging in their heels against the idea of sacrificing millions or billions of people, especially in the underdeveloped sector, on the altar of Malthusian environmentalism. Yesterday it was the Indian Energy Minister and an angry editorial in China’s Global Times. Today it is Copenhagen Consensus President Bjorn Lomborg, whose op-ed was notably published in the semi-official China Daily, which argued: “Six billion not-rich people also want access to plentiful and cheap energy, lifting them out of hunger, sickness and poverty.” If the G7 nations try to deprive them of that, in the name of an illusory Green New Deal, “that will go badly,” Lomborg accurately warned.
One wonders if President Joe Biden, or his Secretary of State Tony Blinken (whose recent speech on climate change seems to have been ghost-written by Greta Thunberg), have any understanding at all of the worldwide political and economic firestorm they are about to set off at the April 22-23 climate summit. Perhaps not; but it is likely that some of that strategic reality will be brought to the gathering by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who just announced that he will in fact address the virtual meeting—with a live speech that will simultaneously be broadcast on Russian national television. In that Thursday speech by Putin, and his much-awaited annual speech to Russia’s Federation Assembly a day earlier on Wednesday, April 21, Biden may well receive Russia’s response to the drastically deteriorating strategic situation, including last week’s U.S. declaration of economic warfare against Russia, which came on top of the overt military provocations against Russia taking place in the Ukrainian theater.
Chinese President Xi Jinping also continues to make his views known. In addressing the Boao Forum for Asia today, Xi warned that “we must reject the cold-war and zero-sum mentality ... and ideological confrontation in whatever forms,” and instead cooperate around projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative to help lift people out of poverty around the world, as the Chinese have so successfully done in their country. “ ‘By setting sail together, we could ride the wind, break the waves, and brave the journey of ten thousand miles.’ We may at times encounter stormy waves and dangerous rapids, but as long as we pool our efforts and keep to the right direction, the giant vessel of human development will stay on an even keel and sail toward a brighter future,” Xi stated.
What is still missing is a loud outcry from political forces in Europe and the Americas, that we will not simply sit by and watch Malthusian genocide be implemented in the Congo, in Syria, in Yemen, in Venezuela and elsewhere. The greatest obstacle to be overcome to organize the population and leaders of the U.S. and the trans-Atlantic world in general, Helga Zepp-LaRouche stressed again today, is the moral indifference with which our culture has been corrupted. It is this indifference which is allowing the British Empire and its Wall Street allies to get away with, literally, murder.
Mexico’s ambassador to the United Nations, Juan Ramón de la Fuente, hit the nail on the head in an op-ed published by Mexico’s El Universal yesterday: “I don’t know what is more alarming: the magnitude of the suffering which hunger causes in the world today, or the indifference with which those of us who don’t go hungry react to it.” He went on to denounce the toleration of children dying of hunger as no less a crime against humanity than “deliberately denying people access to food [which] constitutes a crime against humanity.”
Our moral fitness to survive is indeed being tested, Zepp-LaRouche stated. Yet Western civilization does have the moral and intellectual resources required to defeat such indifference, and is capable of summoning them forth. That is what political organizing is all about. We have to evoke agape, sometimes known as charity or love of mankind, which was the cornerstone for the Peace of Westphalia. It is the emotion or state of one’s soul that is inextricably woven into Nicholas of Cusa’s concept of the Coincidence of Opposites, which is the method of creative thinking that allows one to lift oneself above the moral indifference of the majority, and embrace a passionate commitment to the General Welfare—and then act on it.
That method is the subject of the Schiller Institute’s upcoming May 8 conference on “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.” Please register on the Schiller Institute website.