Human Response—Mobilize the Resources
April 21 , 2021 (EIRNS)—Two developments this week exemplify the human response to crises, the reflex to mobilize resources to save lives and the future. Argentina has completed its first round of manufacture of the Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19, and sent the 21,000 doses to Russia, to the Gamaleya Institute for quality control evaluation. Argentine President Alberto Fernández expressed with pride yesterday that, “Argentina has become the first country of the region to launch the production of Sputnik V ... [which] is approved in more than 10 countries of Latin and Central America, and production in Argentina will help facilitate deliveries to other partners in the region. It will be a great opportunity to advance in the fight against the pandemic,” not only for Argentina but for the entire region, he said. Mass production may begin in June.
In Syria, where more than 20 million people are in dire need of food, medicine and other necessities, a combined effort is reportedly underway among Russia, Iran and the Damascus government, to supply food and fuel. Regional media report that Russia intends to provide wheat to last through 2022, to relieve the terrible bread shortage. Iran has sent four fuel shipments by sea. Russia’s naval forces are providing protection. These measures are fortunately being done regardless of U.S. sanctions on Syria, some of which have been in place since 2003, when George W. Bush imposed the Syria Accountability Act.
The specifics of these two instances may be different, but they are equally outstanding as exemplifying taking action when and where needed, despite the current so-called “rules-based order” of international relations, which is a nightmare of sanctions, blockades, punitive tariffs, regime-change crimes, and geopolitical confrontations to the point of threatening all-out war. The United States has sanctions against at least 26 nations. This attempt to dominate by means of “we-set-the-rules” traces directly back to the British Empire heydays, and today is still centered in London, as well as on Wall Street and offshoots.
Tomorrow starts the two-day White House Leaders Summit on Climate, which absolutely is one of the worst examples of rules-based evil—an attempted green global dictatorship, based on a fraud against science. The summit’s intent, as U.S. Presidential Climate Envoy John Kerry said today, is for the U.S. to assume leadership in muscling nations to set more “ambitious goals” for how much carbon emissions they will reduce by 2030 in each nation, in order to reach carbon neutral by 2050. That, in turn, means that new, green rules will dictate what people and nations can, and cannot do, in their farming, industry, transportation, health care, to simply continue to exist. It guarantees hundreds of millions will die. It guarantees that those suffering from the pandemic and famine today will perish, without fail.
Look at the latest horrors of the pandemic, continuing in the absence of the international collaboration we need to defeat the virus. In India this week, 200,000 daily new cases were registered for the seventh straight day (and despite undercounting). Yesterday, the daily count was 295,041 new cases, and 2,023 deaths in one day.
President Biden is expected to announce that he will stiffen the U.S. green rules, to set a world example, so that U.S. carbon emissions will be reduced by 50% by 2030 (from 2005,) which is up from the former lower U.S. goal for that date. Kerry praised Britain today, for upping its national goal this week to a 78% reduction of carbon emissions by 2035 (compared to 1990). Late last night, the European Commission increased its 2030 carbon reduction goal to 55% (compared to 1990). This is insane.
Now is the time for voices of sanity and compassion to ring out. Ironically, though the Climate Summit is a terrible occasion, the heads of state of major nations whose collaboration for mutual benefit is vital for the world, will all speak tomorrow—China, Russia, the United States, India and many others. However, there is no watching and waiting: It is the activation of every citizen that counts.
The killer green fraud can be stopped. The heritage of methodology and economic programs for development to end the carnage have been especially provided to humanity by statesman Lyndon LaRouche, in his decades of work and courage. Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche today is putting special focus on the moral reaction to act, we call agapē, or charity. Indifference is deadly.
Today, President Vladimir Putin conducted his annual address to the Federal Assembly, live to the present audience of deputies and senators, and televised nationally. In addition to his thorough discussion of plans for economic, cultural and scientific improvement of his nation—especially for youth—he strongly denounced the geopolitical attacks on Russia and other nations, incredibly dangerous given the nuclear weapons. He scored how “everyone pretends nothing is happening.” In particular, “Everyone in the world seems to be used to the practice of politically motivated, illegal economic sanctions, and to certain actors’ brutal attempts to impose their will on others by force.” He singled out the “recently exposed direct interference in Belarus in an attempt to orchestrate a coup d’état, and assassinate the President of that country....”
Putin concluded his remarks on the international situation, by reviewing the nuclear arms situation, saying, “The five nuclear countries bear special responsibility. I hope that the initiative on a personal meeting of the heads of state of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, which we proposed last year, will materialize, and will be held as soon as the epidemiological situation allows.”
Register to attend the May 8, day-long Schiller Institute international conference, “The Moral Collapse of the Trans-Atlantic World Cries Out for a New Paradigm.”