LaRouche Would Have Praised the Putin-Xi Actions of Yesterday, but Does Biden Even Know What Happened?
May 20, 2021 (EIRNS)—On May 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping met via videoconference to jointly inaugurate the beginning of construction of four new nuclear plants in China, based on Russian technology and advanced industrial input. More than simply celebrating that event alone, worthy though it is, the two heads of state used the occasion to present a global policy determination for their associated nations, and for all of humanity, centered, as President Xi put it, on making “a sizable intellectual contribution to the innovation-driven development of the global nuclear sphere,” based on “strengthening scientific and technical cooperation.”
The importance of this development, on the eve of the May 21 Rome meeting of the G20 Global Health Summit, is that it represents the only pathway forward to solve the current existential breakdown crises facing Mankind. Small wonder that nations across the developing sector—from Africa to Central America to Asia—which have been written off by the Malthusians running the trans-Atlantic sector, are increasingly turning to China and Russia.
There is a reason Lyndon LaRouche insistently called for a “Four Power” agreement to solve the crises facing humanity—an alliance of the United States, Russia, China, and India to combine their historic national self-interests; their current economic, demographic, and military weight; and their future potential of scientific and cultural breakthroughs, to decisively defeat the British Empire’s policy of Malthusian deindustrialization and associated bestial concept of Man. China and Russia are providing a clear alternative to that collapsed imperial order. India is currently sidelined in a life-and-death battle against an uncontrolled explosion of the COVID-19 pandemic. And the United States needs to be radically shifted in the direction identified by LaRouche.
In an Oct. 10, 2009 address to the Seventh Annual Rhodes Conference, which he titled “A Four-Power Agreement Can Create a New World Credit System,” LaRouche prophetically stated:
“The task, as I defined it, is, if Russia, and the United States, and China, and India, agree, as a group of countries, to initiate and force a reorganization of the world financial and credit system, under those conditions, with long-term agreements, of the same type that Franklin Roosevelt had uttered before his death, in 1944, under key nations, the intention of Roosevelt all these years later, could have been realized, and we could do that, today.
“That’s our chance: Either we do that, or we go under. I can assure you, if you think that there’s any possibility that the present system could continue into the coming year, as a system to work with, that there will not be a general, continuing, worsening crisis, at the present time, there will be no economic recovery in any part of the planet, under the present conditions.
“We’re now headed for a general chain-reaction breakdown crisis, caused by not only this particular financial crisis, but caused by globalization. Because under these conditions, every nation has become so dependent upon other nations, that any disease, of the economy, any breakdown disease of the economy, will bring down all nations of the economy, in chain-reaction form. At what speed, we can’t be sure. But that’s the danger.
“So, the issue now is the political decision: Can we have the United States, under an improved Presidency—and it does require improvement—can we have the United States, Russia, China, and India, become a bloc of countries, which each have different characteristics, but if they recognize among themselves, that they have a common interest, they will adapt to each other, and respect each other’s different characteristics. The result of this, will be the elimination of the monetary system of the world that has been dominating European civilization since the Peloponnesian War.”