The Courage of a Creative Mind
May 1, 2021 (EIRNS)—Scientifically speaking, if you believe in trends, you are a fool. You’d also see the world today as hopeless:
British Empire diplomats directly calling for regime change in China; war by sanction continuing without relent against Syria and Iran, and expanding against Russia and China; ongoing military provocations against those two nations; expanding U.S. and other government moves against domestic opposition—if you follow this trend, it leads to war and nuclear annihilation of a great portion (or all) of the planet’s people.
But human beings are not bound to trends. Just as the mind of the scientist hypothesizes a new, metaphorical cause that brings about what appears to the senses, the courageous individual has the freedom to create, socialize, and implement new guiding principles for society.
In her Saturday Manhattan Project town hall presentation hosted by The LaRouche Organization, linked below, Helga Zepp-LaRouche answered the question “Why are people indifferent to the suffering around them?” by taking her audience on a voyage through the contrasting outlooks of the Classical and the Romantic, striving for intent and activity versus seeking oblivion and fantasy, of the true freedom of knowledge and purpose versus the false promise of freedom of pure license. Today’s culture, barbaric and banal, turns violence into entertainment, numbs the soul to the injustice and danger of the current situation, and deprives us of the beautiful potential for the human species for which we must fight.
Following Zepp-LaRouche’s presentation was a powerful video recording of Lyndon LaRouche from a 1988 address to a two-day anti-euthanasia conference of the Club of Life, attacking the central, Satanic error in the writings of Immanuel Kant, the twin views that although scientific truths are attainable, the method by which they are reached—the creative process itself—cannot be intelligibly represented, and that there is no such thing as truth in art. Kant posits a fundamental separation, where no such separation exists, between art and science, while in effect denying the intelligibility of either.
It is in fighting for the agapē that drives the scientist, the artist, or the statesman, that we find our true selves.
Take the time today to view and reflect on the event, which provides a preview of the Schiller Institute conference next weekend, and use the inspiration you draw and muster to build for it. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.