More on the Facebook Oversight Board Decision on Trump
May 9, 2021 (EIRNS)—In arriving at its decision to uphold Facebook’s suspension of Donald Trump’s account, the “Oversight Board” of the social media giant opined that Trump had posted content that supported the “unsupported narrative of electoral fraud,” causing “many of those attending the rally” at the White House to proceed to the Capitol, where “many” invaded the building and “Five people died and many were injured.” But most of those arrested for storming and entering the Capitol were not even at the Trump rally, reports American Greatness’s Julie Kelly.
Did the Oversight Board conduct a thorough investigation and hear from witnesses about allegations of vote fraud and irregularities before handing down a decision that these accusations were “unfounded”?
The Oversight Board, sounding just like Congress, the British Integrity Initiative, or Bellingcat, demanded that Facebook “undertake a comprehensive review of Facebook’s potential contribution to the narrative of electoral fraud.... This should be an open reflection on the design and policy choices that Facebook has made that may allow its platform to be abused.”
Apparently people sharing their views with others can be considered “abusive,” if those views are not to the liking of those in power.