How Many of the January 6 Unindicted Co-Conspirators Worked for the FBI?
June 17, 2021 (EIRNS)—Revolver News published an astonishing article June 15, raising evidence pointing to the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol having been planned and organized by people working for the FBI, in a way similar to the foiled “kidnapping plot” against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer the previous summer. Considering the self-described “shock and awe” prosecutorial campaign waged against participants in the events of that day, enormous suspicion is warranted about the many—at least 20—unindicted co-conspirators listed in the charging documents against those arrested for storming the Capitol, whose actions were at least as deserving of prosecution as those currently held without bail in solitary confinement—and often were more provocative. (This is purely by means of comparison, and not meant to universally endorse the prosecutions that have taken place.)
Revolver News poses three questions: (1) Leading up to and including Jan. 6, to what extent were the three primary “militia groups” (Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters) infiltrated by agents or informants of federal agencies? (2) How many federal agents or informants were present at the Capitol during the siege, and how active a role did they play? (3) Among the unindicted co-conspirators referenced in charging documents related to Jan. 6, how many worked for the federal government?
Thinking back to the Global War on Terror, there were many cases (if not a majority of cases) of dangerous plots “foiled” by the FBI or similar agencies revealed to be, essentially, entrapment operations. FBI agents or human sources encouraged their marks—not infrequently individuals with mental problems—to pursue plans to attack, bomb, murder, etc. Weapons, planning, encouragement supplied by the FBI motivated their victims to take actions that then justified their arrest and the opportunity for the FBI to brag about another job well done keeping America safe.
More recently, look back to the ostensible plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Among the 14 individuals who allegedly plotted the “kidnapping”—and the planned overthrow of the state government—at least 5 are known to have been undercover agents or federal informants. During one van ride to scope out Whitmer’s vacation house, fully three of the five people in the van had a relationship to the federal government! What’s more, following the arrest of those plotters who weren’t federal agents or informants, the then-director of the Detroit FBI Field Office, Steven D’Antuono, was given a promotion announced by FBI Director Christopher Wray: to be the head of the Washington Field Office.
The alleged mastermind of the Whitmer plot, Adam Fox, had been kicked out of his girlfriend’s house and was living temporarily in the basement of the vacuum-cleaner store owned by his friend and employer. It was from this storage space, accompanied by his two dogs, that the sinister Fox supposedly hatched a plan to shake Michigan, that would require the purchase of thousands of dollars in explosives and other supplies.
As a matter of fact, the plot was not initially designed to kidnap Whitmer; it was, according to the Justice Department’s indictment, to “storm the Capitol building” in Lansing, Michigan!
All told, FBI operatives played numerous important leadership roles in the plot:
• The “explosives expert,” from whom the plotters were to purchase bombs, was an FBI agent.
• The head of transportation for the militia outfit was an FBI agent.
• The head of security for the militia was an FBI informant.
• At least two FBI informants were active participants in the initial meeting to plan the storming of the Capitol in Lansing.
To summarize the precedent of Michigan, Revolver News writes:
“Just months prior to the U.S. Capitol Siege on Jan. 6, the FBI thwarted a similar plot involving a siege at the Michigan State Capitol, whose plotters belong to one of the three main militia groups associated with Jan. 6. The FBI was able to thwart this on the basis of an astonishing infiltration rate of said groups involving undercover operatives and informants who had been working in such capacity, just in one tiny Michigan network, for more than seven months.”
“If the government foiled the Michigan Plot, why didn’t they step in to stop the so-called siege on Jan. 6?” Revolver asks.
Looking into the charging documents related to Jan. 6, there are numerous examples of unindicted co-conspirators reserving and paying for hotel rooms, encouraging illegal actions, participating in the storming of the Capitol, and even directing the activities of activist networks.
How many among “PERSON ONE” through “PERSON TWENTY” and people referred to only as “an individual” are more than they seem? Will Director Wray be asked: “How many of the unindicted co-conspirators in Jan. 6 cases are now, or have been, undercover agents or confidential informants”?