New York State Urgently Must Surpass Its Earlier Production Levels, Insists Sare Campaign Seminar
June 20, 2021 (EIRNS)—Diane Sare’s U.S. Senate campaign in New York has introduced topics of public interest over the course of her recent Friday webcasts. The June 18 session focused on the de-industrialization of New York State, demonstrating in real terms the lower, physical production curve of LaRouche’s Triple Curve graph made in 1995, and titled by LaRouche as a “Typical Collapse Function.” What does the collapse of physical productivity look like in productive and social terms, and how can it be reversed? The title of the symposium was “New York State Can and Must Surpass Its Former Levels of Production: An Urgent Challenge”
Sare hosted the meeting, which featured Richard Freeman and Joseph D’Urso as guests. In her opening remarks, Sare gave an overview of the Biden Europe tour. She read the communiqué issued by Biden and Putin, which echoed the words of Reagan and Gorbachev on the futility of nuclear war. She also presented a short video on how the Massena, N.Y. community came together to save the Alcoa plant from shutdown. The film also documented the tremendous economic and social tolls of these shutdowns. After the closing of GM in Massena in 2008, child admissions to the hospital for mental problems jumped from 4-5 per year to 45. Drug use skyrocketed, as did poverty.
Freeman, longtime LaRouche researcher and organizer, reported on the necessity and requirements for building global healthcare systems. Using LaRouche’s Triple Curve, he explained how the two upper curves, financial aggregates and monetary aggregates, are destroying the physical economy, and the industries needed to build such health systems in every nation. He also presented a broad view of the de-industrialization of New York State since 1970.
D’Urso, a retired New York City teacher and attorney now living in Rochester, shared a slide presentation depicting the impact of the loss of industries on upstate cities. Both economic and sociological effects on these communities, specifically Buffalo, Rochester and several smaller cities, were illustrated.
A spirited Q&A discussion followed, with viewers asking about potential solutions. Both Freeman and D’Urso cited the need for infrastructure development, including high-speed rail, maglev, and fusion power. Freeman also explained that clean coal, along with nuclear fission, will be needed to build an effective world healthcare system. Other questions were raised about the quality of education and challenges of workforce training needed to accomplish these goals. Freeman declared that the LaRouche plan calls for 1.5 billion new productive jobs.