Evidence of Lunacy and the Need for Strategic Sanity
June 23 , 2021 (EIRNS)—In a press conference immediately following his June 16 summit discussion with President Biden, Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked about the future of U.S.-Russian relations.
“As for sanctions and economic restrictions, I have already pointed out that we are not aware of the domestic political mood and the line-up of forces [in the U.S.], or rather we know, but we cannot fully understand the developments. Some forces are against improving relations with Russia, and others support this. I cannot say which of them will win.”
The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute have been the most consistent and clearest voices for strategic sanity, uniquely presenting Lyndon LaRouche’s policies for constructing a durable peace based on the bankruptcy reorganization of the global financial system, and providing for the accelerated development of the impoverished developing sector, in particular.
The most consistent and clearest voice for strategic lunacy, and driving the world to the brink of nuclear war in order to defend that same bankrupt financial system, has been that of the British Empire.
Today, the Royal Navy’s guided missile destroyer HMS Defender, operating in the Black Sea, intentionally crossed 3 km over into Russian territorial waters off the coast of Crimea, and only departed 30 minutes later after a Russian border guard patrol ship twice fired warning shots across its bow, followed by a fighter jet dropping four bombs in front of the HMS Defender’s path.
As former British Ambassador Craig Murray commented: “There are those who see this activity as evidence of the U.K.’s continued great power status. I see it as evidence of lunacy.”
Indeed. All the more so since Putin and other Russian government officials have this week presented the U.S. with concrete initiatives to get the security dialogue underway, and reiterated their government’s willingness to put Russia’s hypersonic and other advanced weapon systems on the negotiating table, so long as serious overall talks occur.
And all the more so since the Chinese government has similarly presented the West with an honorable exit from their dead-end economic policies which have unleashed a deadly pandemic which threatens the entire planet, offering instead agreements for economic cooperation that can begin with the establishment of a worldwide system of advanced health-care systems to address the current, and likely future, pandemics.
A week ago, Putin stated “I cannot say which of them will win,” referring to the policy battle in the U.S. and the West in general over cooperation or confrontation to address the global crises. The answer to that question, in significant measure, will be provided by those participating in the ongoing process of policy discussion at the Schiller Institute’s international conferences, including the upcoming one to be held this weekend on June 26-27.