Schiller Institute Conference: Global Unity of Principle To Prevent a New Dark Age and Create a New Renaissance
June 27 , 2021 (EIRNS)—Representatives of governments and elected officials, together with scientists, economists, farmers, public health professionals, retired military and intelligence officers, and musicians from around the world, joined forces this past weekend in an international Schiller Institute Conference to analyze the existential crisis facing mankind today, and deliberate on the means required to mobilize the world behind a new paradigm, free of geopolitics and Malthusianism, based on the concept that “development is the new name for peace.” One after another, these “citizens of the world” expressed their thanks to the Schiller Institute and its founder and Chairwoman Helga Zepp LaRouche for mobilizing the conference, and insisting that every effort be made to circulate the video and the transcripts as widely as possible.
The conference was titled “For the Common Good of All People, Not Rules Benefitting the Few.” Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote opened the first panel, titled “Whom the Gods Would Destroy: War with Russia and China Is Worse Than MAD!” She pointed out the timely nature of this panel, since the British had intervened just that week to sabotage the small, but critical step forward achieved at the Biden-Putin Summit, where the two leaders renewed the pledge made by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev at their 1985 Summit: “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” The intentional deployment of a British warship into Russian maritime territory, she declared, is another example of the British Empire’s effort to draw the U.S. into a military conflict with Russia, and demonstrates how easily a war—even a nuclear war—could be sparked by such evil actions.
Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the past half-century of efforts by Lyndon LaRouche and his movement to end the Malthusian madness, posing solutions based on uniting the great nations and cultures of the world in a new world order based on the dignity of man, scientific cooperation and aesthetic education. Had her husband been listened to, she said, this unraveling global disaster would have been avoided—and it is still the case that any solution requires listening to the “wise words of Lyndon LaRouche.” She repeatedly emphasized throughout the conference the concept behind the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, which she and former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders had founded, that the building of modern public health facilities in every nation is not only necessary to end the pandemic, and prevent future pandemics, an issue for every person on Earth, but also forces a serious consideration of the other aspects of infrastructure required for modern health—namely clean water, abundant energy, transportation and more.
Dr. Andrey Kortunov, the Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (the leading think tank associated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), spoke after Zepp-LaRouche, on: “Has the Geneva Summit Changed Relations Between the U.S. and Russia?” He observed that expectations for the Summit were low, given the attacks on Russia from the U.S., including from within the Administration, but the agreement to jointly assert that nuclear war could not be won and must not be fought, and the agreement to set up high-level discussions on arms control, cyber war, and other issues, were signs of hope for improved relations. Still, progress will not be possible, he said, without new ideas, and he thanked the Schiller Institute for the conference, and the urgency to get beyond “conventional wisdom.”
The opening strategic panel included a presentation on the view from India by Atul Aneja, Editor of IndiaNarrative.com, on the need for engagement between India, Russia and China in addressing the global crisis. Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division, spoke on “U.S.-China Relations: A Pathway for War Avoidance and Cooperation.” Colonel Black denounced the mindless attacks on China from the Congress, media and institutions in the U.S. He called for renewing the spirit of the opening of relations under President Nixon, and warned against the recent efforts to provoke a crisis between Taiwan and the mainland, which could provoke war. He reviewed the terrorist operations in Xinjiang by Uighur Muslims with backing from Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which prompted Beijing to provide extensive education and job training for the youth. This humanist approach, he said, was denounced as “genocide” by the liars and fools in the West. As an expert in the situation in Syria, Colonel Black stated that 4,000 trained Uighur terrorists are fighting with al-Qaeda in Syria. If the U.S. approach—supporting the terrorists to achieve regime change against President Bashar al-Assad—is allowed to succeed, the terrorists will eventually flow back into China. He appealed to China to bring the Belt and Road into Syria to save the nation from disintegration. What would be the result of war with China, he asked? “Either a land war in Asia—and we know how that worked out before,—or nuclear war and the end of civilization.”
This strategic panel closed with Ray McGovern, a former CIA Russia expert and cofounder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), who spoke on: “When One Step Back Is Also One Step Forward: The Coincidence of Opposites.” He addressed the sin of hubris which drives those political leaders who fall into the category of “whom the Gods would destroy they first drive mad.” He analyzed the recent U.S. and British provocations against Russia, which finally caused Biden and perhaps some of his aides to seek the summit with Putin. He ridiculed those who believe they can play Russia off against China, and advised Biden to fire the U.S. military leader who recently declared that nuclear war is now “likely.”
The second panel, “The Real Science Behind Climate Change: Why the World Needs Seven Terawatts of Energy,” featured outstanding and courageous scientists from around the world, both refuting the fake science behind the claim of anthropogenic climate change, and appealing for an end to the Malthusian campaign against fossil fuels, while calling for a massive increase in nuclear power development and expanded research for fusion. Scientists from the U.S., South Africa, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany contributed.
The third panel, “Weimar Germany 1923 Comes Again: Global Glass-Steagall Policy To End Hyperinflation,” featured Jacques Cheminade, who heads the LaRouche movement’s sister organization in France, EIR economics editor Paul Gallagher, and EIR Ibero-America intelligence director Dennis Small. Gallagher presented LaRouche’s discovery that the actual source of wealth is not raw materials or physical human labor, but ideas and discoveries transformed into new technologies. He reviewed the reality behind the Green New Deal—the takeover of economic policy from elected governments by the banking cartels—what Mark Carney called “regime change”—to cut off credit from the productive economy under the lie of carbon-induced climate change. He compared such policies to those of Hjalmar Schact, Hitler’s Finance Minister and central banker, which led to war and the death camps. The massive money printing must be stopped, and Glass-Steagall bank reform implemented in every country to wipe out the fake debt, and launch LaRouche’s Four Laws for global development. Dennis Small reviewed several of LaRouche’s discoveries in physical economy and the horrendous crisis globally today from the pandemic, the financial bubble, the war, sanctions policy and the cultural decay. He also exposed the bitcoin hysteria as a wildly speculative bubble.
Two men from Kansas spoke. A rancher, Mike Callicrate, addressed the urgent need to stop the cartelization of agriculture, showing the destruction of both farmers and the food supply that has resulted from agriculture being turned over to Wall Street, and calling for the restoration of family farming. State Senator Mike Thompson, the Chairman of the Senate Utilities Committee, addressed: “How Americans Are Herded Into ‘Green’ Energy, by Weaponized, Politicized, Monetized Science.” He said that Kansas now has 41% unreliable and highly subsidized wind power, while the reliable and cheaper coal plants are being shut down based on the carbon hoax, driving up energy prices and leaving the state uncompetitive.
Japanese economist Daisuke Kotegawa, a former leading official at the Ministry of Finance in Japan, gave a powerful demonstration that Japan’s allies, the U.S. and the U.K., have repeatedly subverted Japan’s economy. When the Plaza Accords in 1985 forced Japan to double the value of the yen, an unforeseen consequence was that the Japanese banks were able to move into London and compete with the British banks, forcing several venerable British banks to go under. They responded with a “Basel rule” imposed by the Bank for International Settlements, aimed at stopping the Japanese banks. But when the Western banks were threatened with collapse in 2008, the Basel rule was not applied, but rather “stress tests,” which, Kotegawa said, covered up that the banks were already bankrupt, so the tests were bogus. Thus no Western bankers went to jail, the QE simply increased the bubble, and now threatens hyperinflation without immediate Glass-Steagall measures.
French economist and jurist Marc Gabriel Draghi spoke on the massive impact of the speculative bubble and the Great Reset in Europe. Pedro Rubio, president of the Association of Officials of the General Accounting Office in Colombia and a long-time collaborator of the LaRouche movement, focused on the disastrous impact of the pandemic and the economic collapse in Colombia, leading to weeks of massive demonstrations, primarily by youth who are facing a life with no future.
The final panel, “The Coincidence of Opposites: The Only Truly Human Thought Process,” was an extraordinary coming together of American doctors, retired military flag officers, a Russian diplomat, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, literally putting together on the spot the makings of an international alliance of forces to begin the process of building modern health facilities in every country. This would use the skills of military forces—potentially from several countries, including Russia—in dealing with emergencies around the world to address the more long-term emergency of economic backwardness, starting with hospitals, clean water, power and other infrastructure required for a functioning health care system. Zepp-LaRouche opened the session by describing what the 15th century genius Nicholas of Cusa meant by “coincidence of opposites”—overcoming apparently contradictory concepts, or opposing political or religious forces, by rising to a higher platform, where the common aims of mankind supersede the subsumed contradictions. She asserted that the unipolar world is now gone, while the world is poised in conflict between the new multi-polar world, based on international law in the UN Charter, against the hangers-on to the unipolar world, who have manufactured a “rules-based order” of their own construct, ignoring international law. Two former U.S. Surgeon Generals, Dr. Joycelyn Elders and Dr. David Satcher, and two retired officers, Maj. Gen. Peter Clegg and Rear Adm. Marc Y.E. Palaez, were joined by Boris Meshchanov, a Counselor at the Russian Federation Mission to the United Nations in New York. Meshchanov addressed “The Russian Perspective on a Global Sustainable and Sustained Recovery.” Following a rich discussion, Zepp-LaRouche asked if the discussion could lead to a concrete result of these representatives of the medical profession, the military and the Russian Foreign Ministry could commit to setting in motion a process to establish a working group to begin the process of building modern health facilities, perhaps in a selected group of countries in Africa, South America and Asia. While Mr. Meshchanov expressed support for the concept, he thought the strategic area, which is now under discussion between Washington and Moscow, must be the first area of cooperation given the current extremely strained relations. Rear Admiral Palaez asserted forcefully that clean water was an essential beginning, and that this was something the military could do, and which should not divide us among nations.
Dr. Khadijah Lang and Marcia Merry Baker, members of the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites, then gave a report on the Committee’s “Mozambique Pilot Aid Shipment—Action Diplomacy for World Health Security.”
Mayor David Castro, President of the Mayors Without Borders Coalition in Honduras sent a video “Greetings to the Conference,” expressing his strong support for the work of the Schiller Institute.
The conference closed with a moving presentation by Diane Sare, a candidate for U.S. Senate in New York in 2022, and the founder of the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus. Her presentation was titled “E Pluribus Unum: What We Can Learn from Beethoven.” First posing examples of less than stellar music which avoid the interface of complex voices, she then demonstrated the coincidence of opposites in the Credo movement of Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, using examples from the performance of her own chorus. By first playing each vocal voice alone, then several of the instrumental voices alone, showing that there are about 29 voices altogether, sounding very different when played alone, she demonstrated how Beethoven makes it a unity in a way which provokes the mind to rise to the level of the creativity of the composer. She closed by playing the final performance as an uplifting close to the incredible conference.
After a recitation of the Declaration of Independence of the United States, slightly abridged to serve as the declaration of the founding of the Schiller Institute in 1984, and the Rütli Oath from Friedrich Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell, which Schiller based on the U.S. Declaration, the conference was closed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche with the following words:
“We are under the incredible tension of what was discussed, because if you think about it, it was quite enormous—going to the edge of what could be a nuclear war, repeatedly.... I have no idea if this proposal or this idea to transform the American military production and related things into a peaceful purpose—maybe this is completely utopian. That is possible. But I’m an eternal optimist: That, maybe the combination of these ideas, the danger that it cannot be in the interest of anybody that this goes out of control, and at the same time the demonstrated goodwill of the last panel, in particular, where doctors just jump in, and military men have offered that the military could help by providing clean water for the world, I think there are enough ideas, so that hopefully something will grow out of this which will make a difference. So, I would urge all of you who are watching this to become active, and become active with us.”