Foreign Secretary Expresses Britain’s Insane Determination To Continue Anti-Russia, Anti-China Provocations
July 7, 2021 (EIRNS)—The British are determined to continue the behavior that led to the June 23 incident in the Black Sea involving the HMS Defender. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab promised yesterday that there’ll be more such provocations not just against Russia but—since the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier will be sailing on to the South China Sea after it’s done with Russia and Syria—also against China. He told the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee that he has warned Chinese leaders to expect a Navy flotilla in the disputed South China Sea, reported the Mirror tabloid. “It’s absolutely right we exercise and defend the rights, and we do so from the Ukrainian territorial sea to the South China Sea,” he said.
Quizzed about the June 23 incident by MPs, Raab said: “HMS Defender was taking the shortest and most direct route, it’s an internationally recognized traffic route. We have got every right to conduct innocent passage through Ukrainian territorial waters, in accordance with international law. That’s what we will continue to do.”
As for the Queen Elizabeth strike group’s upcoming jaunt through the South China Sea, Raab said: “It’s going to be an exceptional opportunity for us to showcase our defense capabilities, but also the wider aspects of ‘Global Britain.’ Of course we will do so in a confident but not confrontational way. We have been very clear with our partners in the region about this. I have raised it with the Chinese foreign minister and said, ‘This is what we are doing, it’s important, there’s nothing that should create nervousness or anxiety.’ ”