Biden Tells Intel Chiefs, Let’s Cooperate with Russia and China, but They Are Our ‘Possibly Mortal Competitors Down the Road’
July 28, 2021 (EIRNS)—In a speech delivered yesterday before the U.S. Intelligence Community gathered at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, President Biden went out of his way to have a love fest with the IC and distance himself from Trump’s brawl with them over the years he was in office—which was one of the strong points of the Trump Presidency. Biden stated:
“We have to work in cooperation with nations like China and Russia that are our competitors—and possibly mortal competitors down the road—in the context of there’s—to meet the existential threats, for example, of climate change. There are certain things that are in our mutual interest.... There are things where we should be—where we should be cooperating.”
He almost invited a British-orchestrated cyber provocation by stating: “Well, if we end up in a war, a real shooting war with a major power, it’s going to be as a consequence of a cyber breach of great consequence. And it’s increasing exponentially—the capabilities.”
Biden then attempted to dismiss Russia as a serious power: “When I was with Mr. Putin, who has a real problem—he is—he’s sitting on top of an economy that has nuclear weapons and oil wells and nothing else. Nothing else. Their economy is—what?—the eighth smallest in the world now—largest in the world? He knows—he knows he’s in real trouble, which makes him even more dangerous, in my view.”
And he also had choice words for Chinese President Xi Jinping: “He is deadly earnest about becoming the most powerful military force in the world.... You know, as we compete for the future of the 21st century with China and other nations, we have to stay on top of the cutting-edge developments of science and technology.”