Stopping the British Empire’s Age of Depopulation
July 28, 2021 (EIRNS)—You may have missed it, but back on July 23 the British hosts of the upcoming Glasgow COP26 UN climate change conference announced excitedly that there were only 100 days left to the beginning of their Nov. 1-12 green atrocity, which is intended to usher in the Age of Depopulation based on enforced deadly cutbacks in energy and industrial production, justified by a supposed “science of climate change.” This is the Schachtian nightmare that Lyndon LaRouche warned 50 years ago would become Mankind’s fate, if we failed to alter the deadly policy course adopted on August 15, 1971. That policy course has not been altered—yet.
To flatten the Earth on the way to Glasgow, which will meet under the slogan “Uniting the World To Tackle Climate Change,” the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will release the next report of its Working Group I on Aug. 9, following an approval session now underway from July 26 to August 6. “Working Group I assesses the physical science basis of climate change,” the IPCC lies pompously. “The report will provide the latest assessment of scientific knowledge about the warming of the planet and projections for future warming, and assess its impacts on the climate system.”
What “latest science” is that? Perhaps the stated view of “11,000 scientists” who released a letter today arguing that the COVID-19 pandemic is all fine and good, but far more drastic cuts in human activity as a whole are needed, including “stabilized and then declining population.”
So the clock is indeed ticking, as the COP26 organizers announced.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche today threw down the gauntlet against the green depopulation agenda. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are already riding, she stated, but we will rally the forces of science and human dignity to stop them, in an international anti-Malthusian alliance which presents an alternative to this madness of depopulation and warfare among the super-powers. An important step in that direction was taken at last Saturday’s July 24 Schiller Institute conference on the lie of climate change.
Zepp-LaRouche added that we are seeing some small cracks in London’s geopolitical warfare strategy, such as the July 28 U.S.-Russian meeting in Geneva, but derogatory anti-Russian statements such as those issued once again by President Biden poison the environment to any serious progress. We remain on a short fuse to World War III because of the breakdown crisis of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system, she stated, but there is an opening around the Afghanistan situation for cooperation among the U.S., Russia, China and others, an opening which must be acted on immediately while it is still there. Historic windows of opportunity such as this one, Zepp-LaRouche explained, or like the one in 1989 with the Fall of the Berlin Wall, close quickly if the moment is missed.
It is with that reality in mind that we turn to the twofold task of organizing this weekend’s July 31 Schiller Institute conference on Afghanistan, and building the international alliance of forces to make sure the Age of Depopulation never occurs.