Acting on the Wise Words of Lyndon LaRouche
Aug. 2, 2021 (EIRNS)—The United States has repeatedly made decisions contrary to the proposals and policies of Lyndon LaRouche over the last half-century, since Nixon’s dismantling of the Bretton Woods system. One example was LaRouche’s Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007, which addressed a problem that was not recognized as a problem, while posing a solution that ran entirely counter to the prevailing, suicidal economic trends. At that time of LaRouche’s proposal—prior to the collapse of the U.S. housing bubble, which triggered a financial panic that drove an initially recalcitrant Congress to vote and then vote again for a bailout under threats of the imposition of martial law—not only were rising house prices and levels of homeownership (or at least mortgage holdership) seen as positive economic indicators, the financial products created based on these mortgages fit right in to the increasingly speculative, financialized, and fraudulent “economy” of the United States.
How was the U.S. transformed from being the primary producer of advanced goods for the entire world in the years following World War II, to an increasingly unproductive land of worsening infrastructure and anti-human culture? Nixon’s 1971 termination of the gold-reserve system and fixed exchange rates, ushering in a casino economy whose remnants of large-scale growth were largely derived from the monumentally successful Apollo Moon program of the decade before. LaRouche’s forecasts and insights into this seismic shift in U.S. economic policy drove him towards decades of work as an economist, statesman, and eight-time U.S. presidential candidate.
The failure to reverse the trend represented by that action by Nixon, the failure to install the scientific, cultural, and economic policies of LaRouche in the decades that followed, confront us today.
An explosion of evictions is expected in the United States, with the expiration of the federal eviction moratorium put in place due to COVID. Yet the stock markets are soaring.
The delta variant spreads rapidly in fertile ground as the world eagerly hopes to get back to normal. Yet vaccinations continue their glacial advance in many of the poorer nations of the world, and the paltry billions needed to speed their production are not forthcoming.
But why do there even exist poor nations and poor people today? China’s meteoric rise shows how rapidly development can be accomplished. Why has it been an exception rather than the rule?
And can Afghanistan—a present crossroads of world history—escape decades of warfare and violence to become a rapidly growing, international partner for peace and development?
The LaRouche movement, now headed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, has laid out the parameters for this perspective, and fostered the quality of discussion needed for its achievement. Will this intention succeed?
Heed the sound advice of the former President of Mexico José López Portillo,
“for the world to listen to the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche. Now it is through the voice of his wife. ... How important that they enlighten us to what is happening in the world, as to what will happen, and as to what can be corrected. How important that someone dedicates their time, their generosity, and their enthusiasm to that endeavor.”
To that end, the LaRouche Legacy Foundation invites the world to participate in an online seminar—held on the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s announcement—to examine the unique contributions of Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019) to the science of physical economy.
There is an urgent need to reflect on what has gone wrong with economic policy in the trans-Atlantic sector over the last five decades, in order to correct those persisting policy blunders and change course before we plunge into a breakdown crisis comparable only to the 14th-century New Dark Age.
Register for the seminar, “So, Are You Finally Willing To Learn Economics?” And, in the meantime, heed, and act on, the wise words and courageous devotion of Lyndon LaRouche.