UN Is Partner of the Green Billionaires of Davos World Economic Forum
Aug. 22, 2021 (EIRNS)—The “public-private partnership” of the United Nations apparatus and the global Green New Deal engine known as the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, goes well beyond the obvious climate extremism of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Since already in 2019 there has been a formal “partnership” of the green billionaires of the WEF and the bureaucracy—as opposed to the member nations and their missions—of the United Nations.
This formal 2019 agreement is called the United Nations-World Economic Forum Strategic Partnership Framework for the 2030 Agenda, posted by the WEF. To cite merely one paragraph of it:
“2. Climate Change: The UN-Forum partnership will focus on achieving clear, measurable and public commitments from the private sector to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.... Collaboration will seek to ... accelerate commitments and platforms for public private cooperation in critical high-emitting sectors such as transportation, including land-based transport, shipping, and air travel, and heavy industry, particularly steel, cement, oil and gas and aluminum in order to advance the economic transformations necessary to limit global temperature rise to no more than 1.5°C.”
This refers to the WEF announcement at its summit in 2020, of the intention to use “carbon pricing” and carbon taxes to cut down the economic activity of the industries named above. In fact, the “Partnership” document says: “The UN-Forum partnership will focus on aligning financial systems and accelerating finance flows toward the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.” This is called “shifting the trillions” by the green billionaires and giant fund managers like BlackRock, Inc.—cutting off investment to force the abandonment of the carbon-intensive technologies upon which modern industry depends.