Heritage Foundation Upset That Biden Is ‘Ripping Asunder’ Special Relationship with British Empire
Sept. 2, 2021 (EIRNS)—Robert L. Wilkie, a former official in the G.W. Bush and Trump administrations, wrote a piece for The National Interest, which the Heritage Foundation republished on Aug. 31, entitled “The U.S.-U.K. Special Relationship After the Fall of Kabul,” which profiles Biden as a long-standing opponent of the British.
Wilkie served on the National Security Council staff under Condoleezza Rice, and as Assistant Secretary of Defense for G.W. Bush; and as Secretary for Veterans Affairs for Trump. He is known as a defender of the Confederacy.
He described Biden as
“An appeaser of the Irish Republican Army for several decades, he opposed the extradition of Irish terrorists to Britain. This June, in a face-to-face meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson [at the G20 Summit], he flabbergasted his British counterpart by not seeming to comprehend that Northern Ireland is a constituent part of the United Kingdom—not a province of the Irish Republic,” Wilkie wrote.
“He then topped that performance by having his administration issue an insulting diplomatic reprimand to London and threaten to put a hold on a U.S.-U.K. trade deal if the British government did not submit to EU demands over the Northern Ireland protocol”—the kind of treatment The Heritage Foundation’s Nile Gardiner said, “is normally dished out to enemies of the United States, such as Russia, and hardly ever issued against a close ally.”
“When Biden decided to pull out of Afghanistan, he didn’t bother to consult with our British allies over the timing of the withdrawal. He then refused to accept Boris Johnson’s calls for 36 hours after Kabul fell to the Taliban.
“More than 450 of Her Majesty’s troops gave their lives in Afghanistan fighting alongside Americans, just as they did on the Western Front, Normandy, and Korea. Yet that was not enough to warrant a simple phone call.”
Then, exposing that he probably sleeps with his Union Jack blanket, he gushed: “For 80-plus years, the U.S.-U.K. alliance has selflessly offered a helping hand to all the peoples of the free world. Nothing in history compares to it. And Joe Biden is ripping it asunder.”