With Afghanistan, With Haiti, We Are Getting a Change in Thinking About the Future
Sept. 26, 2021 (EIRNS)—As its Sunday newsletter said, throughout this week The LaRouche Organization was out in force. It had activists in front of the UN building in New York City, the Treasury buildings in Washington, D.C., and the Federal Reserve building in Houston, Texas. They were wielding a Schiller Institute leaflet titled “UN ‘World Food Systems Summit’—Is Global Depopulation What’s Really on the Agenda?”
Schiller Institute founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, has been urging that the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan, burying a decades-long British geopolitical policy of regime-change wars, creates a turning point in history and a tremendous opportunity. It can become merely a step in NATO turning to total confrontation with China and Russia. But Afghanistan’s urgent development needs—for which the United States, having destroyed the nation’s economy, bears responsibility—can be a lever to cause a dramatic shift in foreign policy coming from America and the West in general.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche is not the only one to recognize the necessity and potential for such “unexpected” policy changes. Two former U.S. Surgeons General, Dr. Joycelyn Elders and Dr. David Satcher, endorsed Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche’s initiative on Afghanistan. She was also interviewed on Pakistan’s “PTV World” broadcast on her insistence and fight to achieve a paradigm defined by peace through development.
Over the past several days, by putting forward the steps necessary to build a new economic infrastructure in Haiti and allow it to arise from its imposed poverty, the Schiller Institute has begun a discussion with and among the Haitian diaspora who want to lift up their country. As Lyndon LaRouche proposed a decade ago, his movement has again proposed now, that the United States and Haiti should make a treaty between them, and which other major economic powers may enter as well, committing not just to promise help, but to achieve economic development and security over a sustained period of time.
So the Institute’s Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites is showing again that this terrible moment of global pandemic, famine and war can compel a shift to a new paradigm, engaging at least the United States, China, Russia, and other major powers to cooperate against those evils which are now causing human numbers to decline across the globe.
Acknowledging the possibility of swiftly moving in Afghanistan to create healthcare systems and everything that goes into supporting them, is the first step to awakening a new moral character in the populations of the trans-Atlantic nations. These populations are being told that human deaths due to floods, earthquakes, poverty, or otherwise, are simply inevitable, attempting to deepen a depraved indifference.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, speaking to a conference of French colleagues and co-thinkers in the Solidarité et Progrès party in Paris, put it this way: “When it became known that Biden would go ahead with the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, I said, this is a unique chance to change the paradigm: If we get the neighbors of Afghanistan, the Central Asian republics, Pakistan, Iraq, Russia, China, and India, all to agree to develop and really reconstruct the economy of Afghanistan, and then get some European nations and the United States to all collaborate in the reconstruction of Afghanistan—which is the moral obligation of those forces which conducted the war for 20 years—then, in the very small, we can start the beginning of a new paradigm of international cooperation. And that can become the first step in overcoming the geopolitical confrontation between the United States, the British, the EU, and Russia and China, which otherwise will lead to World War III.
“What is needed is a change in thinking. The neighbors, those neighboring countries which I just mentioned, they all are already thinking in this way.... So, now, the big task for us in Europe, and in the United States, is we have to find support from these nations in the West to participate.”