Transport Groups Warn of International Supply Chain Disruptions
Sept. 29, 2021 (EIRNS)—The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and other industry groups representing 65 million transport workers globally today released an open letter addressed to the heads of state and government gathered at the UN General Assembly—“Joint Open Letter—Transport Heads Call on World Leaders To Secure Global Supply Chains”—in which they warned of a “global transport system collapse” if governments do not restore freedom of movement to transport workers and give them priority to receive vaccines. “Global supply chains are beginning to buckle as two years’ worth of strain on transport workers take their toll,” the groups wrote. “All transport sectors are also seeing a shortage of workers, and expect more to leave as a result of the poor treatment millions have faced during the pandemic, putting the supply chain under greater threat,” it further declared.
The other signers include the International Air Transport Association, the International Road Transport Union and the International Transport Workers’ Federation.
The U.S., like other countries, is already suffering significant shortages and inflation, as a result of the sharp inflation of energy prices, in part due to the Green de-carbonization agenda, along with industrial closings. This is expected to worsen sharply between now and year-end. CBS News’ Oakland affiliate reported: “Retailers are sounding the alarm on the upcoming holiday shopping season due to serious supply chain issues that are slowing shipments of manufactured goods around the world.” They quote John Drake, VP of Supply Chain Strategy for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: “There are not the people in place to move the containers and the chassis where they need to go. So you’ve got a lot of stuff piling up at the ports and at the warehouses. When that happens, the harder it is to get the stuff that is ready to move.” The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are particularly backed up.