WEF’s Klaus Schwab Dictates, ‘A Decent Life’ for People Destroys the ‘Livability of Our Planet’
Oct. 7, 2021 (EIRNS)—Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is activated, along with the full WEF network of billionaires, royals, and mega-cartels, to push their “Metrics” of allowable economic activity, for stakeholders in every aspect of life (business, government, fraternal, religious etc.) to police fellow citizens to stop doing anything that contributes to development for people. Why? Because, Schwab declares, it is a “conundrum” that human development itself hurts the planet. So, stop it.
On Jan. 18, 2021, Schwab released his book on this at the WEF Davos Forum, titled, Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy That Works for Progress, People and Planet. On page 154, he spelled out his point. To add stress, he first recounted economic infrastructure development details from Ethiopia, its railroads, agriculture gains, the Grand Renaissance Dam, even renewable energy, and then he insisted that it has to stop. The kind of development being undertaken in Ethiopia “reveals the central conundrum of the combat against climate change. The same force that helps people escape from poverty and lead a decent life is the one that is destroying the livability of our planet for future generations. The emissions that lead to climate change are not just the result of a selfish generation of industrialists or western baby boomers. They are the consequence of the desire to create a better future for oneself.”
So, metrics are being worked out by Schwab, the WEF, and the entire green-tyranny apparatus, on what you and your enterprise are allowed or not allowed to do—factory, railroad, farm, civic, religious, or household. The regulations are drawn up in terms of environment, sustainability, and governance (ESG). They are assembled in different taxonomies intended for each nation and locale.
Schwab reported on the process on pages 210-215: “ ‘World Economic Forum’s International Business Council,’ led by Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, late last year presented the ‘Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics.’ They measure companies’ progress toward environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals in numbers and thereby allow them to optimize for more than just profits.” (See also, World Economic Forum White Paper, “Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation,” September 2020)
Schwab continues:
“During the consultation process on the metrics, more than two-thirds of the 140 International Business Council members—including many of the largest companies in the world—supported them too. And all major accounting firms, the so-called Big Four (Deloitte, EY, KPMG, and PwC) even helped develop the metrics. They are committed to helping the metrics become a global standard. In this way, the Stakeholder Capitalism metrics are a major step in turning the idea of stakeholder capitalism into a practical reality.
“A widespread adoption of these Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics is realistic and could happen as soon as 2022.”
Mega-companies conferring on these ESG Standard Metrics include the Big Techs, and the Big Four—Bank of America, Blackrock, DSM, Philips, and others. Schwab wrote a glowing account of how Big Tech and others have a privileged role in enforcing ESG. “Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir, and an early outsider investor in Facebook said in the Wall Street Journal 2014: ‘A monopoly like Google is different. Since it doesn’t have to worry about competing with anyone, it has wider latitude to care about its workers, its products and its impact on the wider world. Google’s motto—“Don’t be evil”—is in part a branding ploy, but it is also characteristic of a kind of business that is successful enough to take ethics seriously without jeopardizing its own existence.’ ”
Germany is a test case for an all-encompassing ESG metrics taxonomy. In June, a Malthusian Supply Chain Law was enacted, in which the ESG metrics are to apply. An all-Europe ESG Metrics law is being worked on.
The EIR Daily Alert issue for Jan. 21, 2021, reported on Klaus Schwab’s Jan. 18 press conference to announce his book, and the WEF activities for the coming 2021 year of events. We revealed: “The WEF briefing said they will hold dozens of events, leading up to their in-person Singapore annual WEF meeting in May, followed by the G7, then the G20, the September UN 2021 Food Systems Summit, the Biodiversity COP15 event, and the November COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. Schwab pledged ‘a mobilization’ to ‘rebuilding’ and ‘re-setting’ our world.”