London’s Dope, Inc. Doubled in the Last Dozen Years
Oct. 27, 2021 (EIRNS)—Dope, Inc., the international drug cartel run top-down out of the City of London’s financial apparatus, has doubled its deadly production of illegal drugs over the period from 2007 to 2019. This is one of the shocking conclusions from a new study which EIR is conducting of the international drug trade, to again update the findings EIR made famous in its best-seller book Dope, Inc., commissioned by Lyndon LaRouche and first published in 1978.
Take the case of cocaine. In 2007, total worldwide potential production stood at 790 metric tons of pure cocaine equivalent; by 2019, that had risen to 1,886 metric tons—a 139% leap. The estimated total potential value of street sales of that cocaine jumped from $68 billion to $110 billion—a 62% increase. (The value increased by less than the production, because the price of cocaine dropped during this period, as part of an intentional “marketing” strategy of Dope, Inc. to extend its New Opium Wars to new victims worldwide.)
The pattern is similar in opium and its refined product, heroin. In 2007, total worldwide potential production (measured in equivalents of a pure gram of heroin) stood at 402 metric tons; it grew to 723 metric tons by 2019—an 80% rise. The potential street value correspondingly grew from $$117 billion in 2007 to $172 billion in 2019—which is a 47% increase. Here too, declining prices, as well as increased potency of heroin (in the U.S. and European markets alike), explain why revenues have increased more slowly than total production.
The cynical and largely successful campaign to legalize marijuana (and other drugs) is playing a major role in the expansion of Dope, Inc.’s market reach. Enhanced money-laundering techniques involving crypto-currencies and other methods are also critical to the “success” of this New Opium War, which is responsible for the deaths and mental crippling of hundreds of millions of victims worldwide.
Additional reports will be forthcoming on the other two major categories of illicit drugs in the Dope, Inc. repertoire: marijuana and synthetic drugs. If the pattern seen in cocaine and heroin holds up here (and the growth on the cannabis front will probably be even greater still), then it is safe to say that the total potential annual revenue from Dope, Inc. will be in more than $1.2 trillion per year—a tidy sum that is being laundered through an otherwise bankrupt City of London and Wall Street financial system.