Flop26: The Coming Fall of The House of Gaia
Oct. 26, 2021 (EIRNS)—As the COP26 “strange beast, its hour come at last, slouches toward Glasgow,” the news has suddenly arrived: “The Queen will not attend the climate change summit.” Will Prince Andrew, out of a sense of imperial duty to the Crown and Empire, emerge from hiding and, in the spirit of the season, go to Glasgow dressed as his mother? Though the Queen has now cancelled going to the Glasgow ghoul-fest, the business of depopulation must proceed. So perhaps Andrew will oblige, impersonating “Psycho’s” Norman Bates (and Norman’s mother,) inadvertently bringing an unwelcome guest, psychological truth, to the doomed Glasgow masquerade.
In the real world, Afghanistan stands “at the precipice” of destruction by famine at the hands of a vindictive sanctions “victors policy.” A Haitian publication, HaïtiLibre, runs the headline: “Deprived of Fuel by Gangs—The Country at the Gates of Hell.” Uganda’s 35-year President, Yoweri Museveni (!) in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, says: “Africa can’t sacrifice its future prosperity for Western climate goals. The continent should balance its energy mix, not rush straight toward renewables—even though that will likely frustrate some of those gathering at next week’s global climate conference in Glasgow.”
But Swedish eco-freaks know far better than Ugandans, or nuclear power-advocating Bolivians, that the real enemy is technological progress, and that “technological progress is racism.” Technological progress is what the notorious Bertrand Russell so delicately referred to, in his 1924 book Icarus, as “white science.” White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism, a May 2021 book compiled by the “Zetkin Collective” featuring Andreas Malm, professor of ecology at Lund University, is a triple-retread apology for terrorism “to save the planet from technology.” Malm/White Skin, Black Fuel, is an “Eminem,” white rapper-style knock-off of Frantz Fanon and his 1961 book Black Skin, White Masks. Malm writes: “The role of the radical activist fringe is to instill in those who do not want to engage in active activism the courage to take to the streets and make their voices heard. To apply the lesson of Black Lives Matter to the climate movement is to seek modes of action that are equivalent to destroying the police station in Minneapolis or toppling statues. I’m not advocating violence against people, but I do think that property destruction has played a role in virtually every social movement that has achieved its goal.”
This is a crude, less literate restatement of the argument in the opening chapter “Concerning Violence” of Fanon’s 1961 The Wretched of the Earth, itself an updated restatement of Georges Sorel’s 1908 Reflections on Violence. This is Luddism in the cyber age, like “Unabomber,” but complete with the cyber-Dionysian world of addictive video-games and their participants. This can all be monitored in real time through, for example, Amazon’s recently announced special Cloud arrangement with GCHQ, MI5, and MI6, a form of human data-mining for future deployment purposes.
The new, social media-driven environmentalist politics, with its self-appointed “guardians of the Earth,” will feel justified to take any recourse and use any means necessary, including violence. They will be personally anointed with the “responsibility to protect the Earth,” augmented through drug use, along the lines of the old Eleusinian “mystery cults” of Greece. This Dionysian eco-horde, defining the destruction of civilization, and ultimately, humanity, as “a necessary sacrifice for the survival of the planet,” is to, through self-destruction, bring about the New Age, the “transvaluation of all values.” This “Great Game” is to be fought in “the Empire of the Mind,” or so the rather limited imaginations of the decadent elites of the delusional trans-Atlantic world prefer to believe.
Both China and Russia display significant strategic restraint. The entries below document this. China, while quite explicit about the flaws in the Afghanistan political process, has insisted that nations must work with the Taliban authorities in aiding the transition to a more advanced form of government, or be held accountable for a willful genocide against that population over the next months. Russia, through slowly advancing talks with the United States on advanced strategic and tactical weapons systems; with Ukraine on natural gas and oil; and with a firm rebuke of the dangerously provocative statements of the outgoing German defense minister and others in NATO, keeps sanity “on the table.” The Indo-Pacific “Orcus” naval adventure, actually a pathetic revisioning of the British imperial “East of Suez” outlook abandoned in 1968, is already underwater, in a different way than it intended. Secretary of State Tony Blinken, in attempting to “bring Taiwan into the UN,” appears to believe, in defiance of the physical reality of the Covid pandemic, trans-Atlantic industrial and manufacturing collapse, and hyperinflation, and the counterposed physical economic achievements of China and its Belt and Road Initiative, that he—or anyone—can turn back the clock to the “bad old days” prior to 1972, when the United States refused to recognize “Red China.”
“Just as the spatial expanse and anti-entropic evolution of the universe are infinite, so is the intellectual and moral perfectibility of the human mind. Therefore, every additional human being is a new source for further development of the universe and for the solution of problems on Earth, such as overcoming poverty, disease, underdevelopment, and violence.”
This is the efficient antidote to the Malthusian outlook of Malm, Blinken, and the British royals.
“Taking care of each other is key in this ongoing development. It is the combination of creativity and empathy that transcends mere day-to-day exigencies. Scientific and technological progress has a positive effect in that, when applied to the production process, it increases the productivity of the labor force and of industrial and agricultural capacities, which in turn leads to rising living standards and a longer life expectancy for more and more people.”
These conceptions, contained in the Schiller Institute/CLINTEL “Wake-Up Call: The Danger for Mankind Is Not the Climate, but Toleration of a Devious Policy that Uses Climate To Destroy Us!” are the manifesto of an Anti-Malthusian Resistance statement, manifest in the Schiller Institute’s Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, that has significantly advanced through various actions in the past days. Most of all, this includes the keynote given on Oct. 23, “The Coming Fall of the House of Gaia,” as part of the educational process for youth of the past weekend led by its founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, which should be studied by all, before the Hallowe’en Summit.