Biden Tries To Wrap His Ill-Begotten Crusade in an FDR Mantle
June 10, 2021 (EIRNS)—After his bilateral meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Cornwall, at which the two of them signed a document that they billed as a new “Atlantic Charter,” in their attempt to launch a virtual new Cold War against FDR’s wartime allies, Russia and China, President Joe Biden delivered remarks trying to portray his visit as an FDR “remake.” Biden began by expressing condolences to the Royal Family over the death of Prince Philip, that grand representative of pure Malthusian genocidal policies. He then went on to reaffirm the so-called “special relationship” with the British Empire, which FDR never recognized.
In August 1941, when FDR proposed the “Atlantic Charter” to Churchill in their Newfoundland meeting, one of its purposes was to force Churchill to accept certain principles for the postwar period, the most important of which was to end empires, including the British. His agreement would be the precondition for Churchill receiving U.S. aid, and Churchill had to sign, even though he disagreed with some of the tenets of the document. The original Atlantic Charter calls for “the fullest collaboration between all nations in the economic field.” It also says that the parties will endeavor “to further the enjoyment by all states, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access on equal terms to the trade and raw materials of the world which are needed for their economic prosperity.”
But the Biden-Johnson new “Atlantic Charter” stands in stark contrast to the principles of FDR’s true one. The new “Charter” resolves “to defend the principles, values, and institutions of democracy and open societies, which drive our own national strength and our alliances. We must ensure,” it reads, “that democracies—starting with our own—can deliver on solving critical challenges of our time.” The new Charter “intends to strengthen the institutions, laws, and norms that sustain international cooperation, to adapt them to meet the new challenges of the 21st century, and guard against those that would undermine them.”
The new Charter “opposes interference through disinformation or other malign influences, including in elections,” and reaffirms “our commitment to debt transparency, sustainability and sound governance of debt relief.” The two parties to the Charter also “resolved to harness and protect our innovative edge in science and technology to support our shared security and deliver jobs at home” and “to promote the development and deployment of new standards and technologies to support democratic values.” The Charter signers, Biden and Johnson, also pledge to build a “rules-based global economy for the 21st century” with “financial stability and transparency and high labor and environmental standards.” It also pledges that the two will work together to “tackle the climate crisis, protect biodiversity, and sustain nature,” prioritizing them in “all our international action.” And lastly they will collaborate to “strengthen health systems and advance our health protections.”
If FDR is looking down on this travesty, he would surely roll his eyes, and repeat what he had insisted to Winston Churchill: “It can’t be done, obviously by 18th-century methods.”